
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 19:05:16
胜开头的成语 「见渔人,乃大惊,问所从来.具答之.便要还家,设酒、杀鸡、作食.」这句文言的意思.(只需意思) ( )见渔人,乃大惊,问( )搜从来.( )具答之.( )便要 ( )还家,设酒杀鸡作食. 桃花源记的 便要还家设酒杀鸡作食是什么意思 普林斯顿大学在哪个州 《桃花源记》中的“便要还家,设酒杀鸡作食.”中的“还”读什么?要直译 study hard的同义句 表情瓢虫是什么意思 微信表情瓢虫啥意思 为什么家长总是把成绩看的很重要?拜托各位大神 十万火急求大神帮忙写英语作文(300字),这个涉及很重要的期末成绩,Are banks necessary?Why?Imagine the situation if most banks went bankrupt because of the crisis.about 300 words 美国为什么打南斯拉夫 1关于摩擦的物理题.填空的手握住油瓶颈向上提时,手与油瓶颈之间存在——摩擦 td-lte系统由哪三部分组成 TD-LTE/TD-SCDMA-GSM双卡双待, 雨过天晴的空气是新鲜的空气吗?如题 天净沙秋的赏析400字 天净沙秋赏析100字 天净沙秋 赏析300字要自己写的,不能复制. 对于td-lte,以下说法哪个是正确的 我市组织20辆汽车装运A、B、C三种橙子到外地销售.按计划,20辆车都要装运,每辆车只能装运同一种橙,且须装满.根据下表,橙子品种 A B C每辆车运载量(吨) 6 5 4每吨橙子获利(百元) 12 16 10( He managed to escape to South America after the war(同义句转换)He --------in ---------to South America after the warHe was------- -------- to escape to South America after the warHe had ------- -------- to escaping to South America after the w 从2、3、5、7四个数字中,任取两个分别作为分数的分子与分母,能得到几个真分数? 1.( ) The day we had been looking forward to at lastA.come B.coming C.came D.has come2.( ) When --------you-------for the United States?This afternoon .My plane ---------at3:15A.do,leave,takes off B.are,leaving,takes off C.do,leave,is taking off D.do 高一英语高手请快进来!急….急……..急………10.I will study at home this afternoon in case he------(call)to tell me the result of the exam11.Don’t sit there ---------(do) nothing.Come and help me with the table.12.I’ll no 急….急……..急………221.I was lucky because I was able to find a good job.I was lucky________ _________ I was able to find a good job.2.We sometimes find it difficult to decide which words or phrases to use.We sometimes _______ _______ deci 汝女的意思 快3.那个男孩想当医生,全家人都鼓励他.All the family encouraged the boy ___ ___ ____to become a doctor.his efforts有这个词组吗 论语中知之者不如好之者是什么意思 高一英语描述四川地震用上add up ,upset,calm_ down,be_concerned about ,go_through,a series,in_order_to,face- to- face,一但给出最佳答案,我会追加150分的! earthquake高一英语必修一unit4全文内容课本忘带了、 一道英语填空题 拜托了