
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 04:41:31
英语 定语从句 which where 后面有时加个 in THis is the house where/which *** 什么 live in 或者没有 in这个地方我很乱 地球表面加速度和赤道上加速度是否相同?有道题这样的:地球赤道上物体重力加速度为g,物体在赤道上随地球自转的向心加速度为a,要使赤道上的物体“飘”起来,则地球转速应为原来的 地球上赤道表面处的重力加速度为g,赤道上空同步卫星的向心加速度为a,则这两个加速度的大小关系是? John and Dickey are too busy to help us.Let's do it_.A:herself B:himself C:themselves D:ourselves 翻译英文谚语''Each day brings its own bread.'' let's help us/ourselves to the delicious foodlet's help ourselves to the delicious foodlet's help us to the delicious food哪句正确 最好翻译一下 each day怎么读要音标 不是说“you I ”出现在同一句中,是“You and I”那岂不是歌曲“You and me”出现语法错误了?请说的明白些. 1.the church of engliand is__.2.in britain,the upper house is also called__. 【重金求书】卡森·麦卡勒斯的 the clock without hands 和 the member of the wedding卡森·麦卡勒斯的 the clock without hands 和 the member of the wedding.求英文版的著作.如果有中文版就更好了.我想要PDF或TXT版的 Every member of the village is invited,and excitement builds up during the days before the wedding.完美的翻译, The elected state assembly in Virginia is called the House of Delegates.如何翻译? 蒙哥马利约减是怎么回事? languages的读音没有多打,就是复数 根据句意即首字母提示完成单词We took the p--- across the fields. 相配度多少? college graduate(大学毕业生),英文中"XXX的XXX",什么时候要加('s)或(of)呢?像这个例子,用college's graduate 或 graduate of college 或者什么时候要用('s)或(of) the composition of the law of conservation of energy是什么意思 八强球队,意大利,法国,德国,葡萄牙,巴西,阿根廷,英格兰,乌克兰.做小调查,哪支球队最受(1)调查的问题——————(2)调查的对象——————(3)调查的方法————-——(4)调查的 第二题急死我了 急死我了. 第二题怎么写呢?急死我了 有几题不会算 在线等.(1).2又十五分之四×25(2).1.8×2又三分之一符号不会打 看得懂就好. 算一算这题不会做 The family is a co-operative enterprufor which it is difficult to lay down rules,because each family,needs to work out its own ways for solving its own problems.在读这段话时,哪些地方该停顿?请帮我用分号划分一下. The_(对话)was ver constructive co-operative and helpful. 求之闺中,今恐未必有此会心者矣.表达了作者怎样的思想感情 设集合 A ={x|x = a2 +1,a∈N+},B ={y|y = b2 - 4b + 5,b∈N+},则下述关系中正确的是( )A.A = B B.A B C.A B D.A∩B =第二个集合怎么算啊? 美国的app store,中国的app store,英国的app store,它们有着怎样的区别啊? 这题咋个做急死我喽 1/x﹙x﹢1﹚﹢1/x﹙x﹢1﹚﹙x﹢2﹚﹢1/﹙x﹢2﹚﹙x﹢3﹚﹢…﹢1/x﹙x﹢2007﹚﹙x﹢2008﹚ x=1时 怎么求代数值