
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:04:06
函数y=sin2x-根号3 cos2x 的值域为 “具备较好的英语听、说、读、写、译等能力;能熟练操作计算机办公软件”用英语怎么说? 计算机二级 办公软件高级应用技术 英语怎么说 声音只能在介质中传播,( )中不能传声.声音在( )中传播最快,15度时空气中的声速是( ).有些自然灾害如地震,在发生前都会有( )声辐射.旭日东升是以( )为参照物月亮在白莲般的云 初二简单物理题求解!火速!关于液体内部的压强,下列说法中正确的是:1,液体内部压强的方向司竖直向下.2,液体内部向各个方向的压强相等3,液体的密度越大,液体内部压强就越大4,不同液体的 和西蒙约会用英语怎么说?一起做家庭作业用英语怎么说?对电脑了解很多呢? 2013年12月考的六级,证书什么时候能发到手 函数y=cos2x-sin2x的一条对称轴为? He is tall.He can reach the kite on the wall.(合并为一句)He is _____ _____ to reach the kite on the wall.The boy said something and made us smile.(改为同义句)______ the boy _______ made us smile. 用正确形式来填空He______________(go fishing)in the river last Sunday.Mary______________(do homework)on Saturday. 1.-I'm going to the post office.-_____you're there,can you get me some stamps?A.As B.While正确答案是B,麻烦详细解释一下as和while的区别.2.If you are sent to work ____ you are not used to the people's life style,be sure to adapt yoursel ( )1.How relish do we need for the shake?A.some B.any C.many D.much 英语翻译 英语翻译急用! 1 i have no idea about his birthday.(同义句)i _____ _____his birthday.2 jim is the tallest boy in his class.jim is taller than _____ _____ boys in his class. 1.He was educated at a local grammar school,____he went on to Cambridge.A.from which B.after that C.after which D.from this(仔细讲解每一个选项,说说不选的那个为什么错)2.____in a white uniform,he looks more like a cook than a do 七年级上册英语句型转变为什么有的句子要加do,does, 写信给朋友的英语格式 - 文章1、我是1999年读的初中,这久一直在想一篇文章,忘记是初二还是初三的了.2、文章大意:一个作家,带着他的妻子去度假,去了一个佛陀岛上面,住在客房里面,作者晚上听潮来的声音,不断的 Nearby were two boats----they had come to the island.A where B by which C in which D with whichHe is absent,____is often the case.A what B which C who D as第一个题正确答案是C ,不太清楚B为什么不对.第二个答案是D,和B有什么区 做一下英语选择, 用英文说 写信给父亲jieya 英语翻译Please_______ _______ your father _______ _______ you can. 英语选择 选择用英文怎么写? 如何投稿给21世纪英文报初中版我想在暑假给21世纪英文报初二学期第一版或者某一版投稿 需要怎样做 要注意什么?有邮箱或者是网址么? 初中二年级版的21世纪英文报的邮发代号是多少,还需知道些什么,好懂吗?急! 英语选择好评 英语选择, 英语选择给好评. 几道英语选择. 英语选择,