
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:56:49
make one‘s the key to all success be scared 得到礼物用英语说 get a card 如题 get a credit card的意思? 谁那有《百万英镑》《呼啸山庄》《简爱》作者的英文简介? 池塘里睡莲的面积每天增长一倍,若经17天可长满整个池塘,问需多少天,这些睡莲能长满半个池子?列出式子哦 get married的中文意思 We Get married 啥意思汉语 get married 的中文是什么? Do not get married! 中文译成英文用(get married)穿红上衣的男孩和一个运动员结婚了. i haven't washed the clothes.i haven't swept the floor.(合并) i haven't washed the clothes_ _ _ _ 根据句意用have has或There be 句型的适当形式完成句子1Don't knock at the door any more.( )any people in the room2How many apples ( )on the desk?3How many sisters do you( 4( )anything to drink?No,( )5Each of us ( )a room English——in Canada Australia and New Zealand as well as America and Briitain 一个睡莲每天长大一倍,经过10天可以把整个池塘遮住,问睡莲要遮住半个池塘要多少天? 人教版小学五上第18课慈母情深中的母亲是什么样的母亲 In 2004, India's software exports reached us$17.3 billion,about five times that of China这里为什么用THAT 是什么用法,代替什么 you come into my heart to control my mind waitting.翻译拜托各位了 3Q 这句话有错误吗when i reading this article,the first thing come into my mind is shit. We have fun playing there.把这句话变为过去式 But one person always come into my mind.Do you think what should i do?谁可以帮我翻译一下! The boy is ()now.A.save B.safeC.dangerousD.good the boy ( ) on the playground now.括号里填什么,有go see fly swim be可选,用这些单词的适当形式填空. He went by bike.He washed the clothes.He was happy.He is helpful.一般将来时怎么说 有一首英文歌里面有歌词but i can't and i can 最后还有still believe,请问这歌叫什么 I still believe的乐谱是滴草由实唱的,还是名侦探柯南480集的片尾曲. 根据句意及首字母填空:We are working hard to make country b___ 色拉英语的书广州哪里有买 广州哪有卖考研的书?政治和英语.rt最好是越秀区附近. 英语翻译 有趣的数学题:池塘里睡莲的面积每天长大一倍,若经16天就可长满整个池塘,要多少天可长满半个池塘我要算式和答案 池塘里的睡莲的面积每天长大一倍,若经13天就可长满整个池塘,则这些睡莲长满半个池塘需要的天数为()A6 B7 C10 D12写明过程 谁能告诉我这叫什么花,白色的,在马路边的花坛时常见到