
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 11:11:41
下列,属于光的反射现象的是( ).A在平静的湖面看到树的倒影 B白天,浓密树荫下有许多小圆形光斑 C夜晚下列,属于光的反射现象的是( ).A在平静的湖面看到树的倒影B白天,浓密树荫下有许 -oh ,sorry I'm late.-I guess you must have been in a hurry.you ___sweater inside outB 是对的 A have worn B are wearing C wear D wore 黑白围棋子,从中取走了白子15粒黑白围棋子,从中取走白子15粒,余下的黑子数与白子数之比为2:1,此后,又取走黑子45粒,余下的黑子数与白子数之比为1:5,那么这堆围棋子原来共有多少粒? 观察拍摄于水边的风景照片时,总会发现倒影部分比景物本身暗一些,这是由于( )为什么? 在江河湖边拍摄的风景照片,照片上景物的“倒影”比影物本身是亮一些还是暗一些,为什么? 观察水边风景照片,总会发现倒影部分比景物本身暗一些,这是为什么? 以UU为主人公写一篇童话答得好有分 ,额额额额额额额额额额,三千字, We are happy today.一般疑问句. 2-4.How a happy life we are living today!How 错了 应该改成什么 为什么~ 以兔子和猫的为主人公的童话故事怎么写 Help:这些词比较级..terribleprettyhotcoldcoolwarmsurprisedrelaxed还有就是如何判断一个词是否有比较级. accommodate能做help的替换词吗? Did you see her last week ?he said改为间接引语 球类收藏品用英语怎么写 我叫周莉,想起一个有谐音的英文名 fish of number the is bowl 10 the in 连成句子 我叫蓓蕾.想起个谐音的英文名像粤语读音一样的较好…最好就是连读音一起发 there _some fish in the bowl A./ B.is C.be 我名字叫曾展濠 想起个英文名 谐音 a little fish in the bowl到底是 一条小鱼在碗中 还是 一些鱼肉在碗中 到底该怎么区分呢 我叫沙鑫,帮我取一个英文名, Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.这句话里面的to the man who will try.作句子的什么成份 nothing is difficult to the man who will try具体分析句子结构及延伸的短语或单词知识体系特别是延伸出去的知识, Seil-condifence is the first secrect to success nothing is too difficult to the men who will trypractice makes perfecttry to speak Enghih in class and after classtry to think in Englishlearn English by using Englishdon't be afraid of make mistakescor Look her ,shi is not very happy today .这句话中有什么错误 Nothing is difficult to the man who will try nothing is difficult to the man who will try中who能省略吗 怎么赞美秦始皇兵马俑如题啦,就是,赞美,优美一点的句子,额,反正是赞美就ok啦. Let It Go-- Alexandra Burke 请帮我翻译这首歌的中英歌词 赞美秦兵马俑的句子 英语翻译男名还是女名? 赞美兵马俑的句子(要用上成语)有急用!