
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 12:01:16
Don't take any aspirins是什么意思急! You mustn't take any aspirins.You don't take this medicine!其中的take是什么意思 世界上最猥琐的动物 英译中,求通顺,无机译.Known to consumers by the brand names Nutraaweet and Equal,aspartame is composed of two amino acids,aspartic acid and phenylalanine. 英语翻译1.it was not long before they could no longer see their way out of what they had started.2.it is generally believed that Java Man,who lived before the first Ice Age ,is the first manlike animal.3.it is not until recently that the scientis another study found bloggers in 66 counties and 6 continents,it found blogs and 81 languages各位大侠帮我翻译一下,句子有没有错啊? 英语翻译We are still working on the catch up payment and will keep you updated. 各位大侠帮忙翻译个句子请把下面的句子译成英语:“每天花大量的时间做习题,如果做不完就会很苦恼”急~谢了! 科幻小说讲地球上最后一个人在家的作文800字 英语翻译It may also be extended or terminated within that period by any party giving no fewer than three months written notice of intention to extend,terminate to the other party. 英语翻译翻译的三个基本要求是“信”、“达”、“雅”.“信”要求忠实原文的内容和每个句子的含义,用现代汉语字字落实、句句落实直译出来,不得随意地增减内容.“达”要求翻译出的现 英语翻译1.her mother's pride in the girl's appearance led her to step back.2.the russians are more far-sighted than the Western world as far as Southeast Asia is concerned.3.Unless the delay in the shipment is due to unforeseeable causes beyond t 把标有:220V100W;和220V60W”的甲乙两个电灯泡串联起来,接在220V的电路上那盏灯亮请说明理由(要过程), 高二英语第七单元 born dying的dying 应该看做分词?还是形容词? 用电器正常工作的条件是供电电压等于用电器的额定电压不正确,那正确的是什么呢? 为什么说:“情人眼里出西施”? 为什么有人说:“情人眼里出西施”? 为什么有人说情人眼里出西施? 为什么说情人眼里出西施 如果有人对你说‘情人眼里出西施’,该怎么回答他?女方对男方什么意思都没有,男方单方面的喜欢,怎样说才能既不伤他的自尊又回绝了他? 英语的一些问题,I never been in space before,省略了have吗?什么情况下省略?I never been in space before,省略了have吗You got me stuck off the way you glow,kick还有球鞋的意思吗? take your dreams to new heights是什么意思?这是魔兽霍华德的一个宣传画上的原话?似懂非懂的 发动机里引擎工作原理中的疑问汽缸通过进气孔和输油孔注入汽油和空气,在汽缸内充分混合,当火花塞点燃混合物后,混合物猛烈地爆炸燃烧,推动活塞向下运动,并产生动力.同时,爆炸气巨大的 ——Did you go ti Sam's party?——No,I______.A.am not invited B.wasn't invitedC.haven't invitedD.didn't invite 英语翻译请翻译下这些宁波地名我做作业急需啊!城隍庙 鼓楼 日湖 月湖 老外滩 万达广场天宫庄园 北仑港 九峰山旅游区 四明山森林公园达蓬山 五龙潭风景名胜区 丹山赤水 宁海南溪温泉 蒋 LOVE FROM YOURS ARE TURE LOVE 帮我翻译成英文,谢谢,急需,谢谢YAN(请允许这样叫你),你一定很奇怪我为什么会发这篇东西给你,我到底是谁,对于你来说这已经不重要了,重要的是我应该要谢谢你,因为我把你的样子画了出 How long does it _____ her to get to her school?A make B take C use D spend 1 How long does it____her to get to her school?A.make B.take C .use D.spend 关于以个英语句子的理解问题,I have only got five yuan.I need to get some cash out before we go to dinner.请问这句话怎眼理解,吃晚饭到底是再之前还是之后 完型填空两个句子的理解~My voice almost a whisper.I was angry at myself for being so weak,but I wasn't about to cry.------此题想问的是angry,不时有个搭配是be angey with的吗?他这里是at,我就是因为这才不选angry的, as it was just the beginning如何理解?That was how Polly and Digory got to know one another:and as it was just the beginning of the summer holidays