
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 23:40:56
关于描写春勤的诗句 描写春勤的诗句 cosα=-1/7 α=? 如果有人对你说“人生在勤,不索何获”你该怎么回答~希望给点正儿八经点儿的、有内涵的回答, I am Andy Law's fans!什么意思? Andy乄Law 谁能救救我为《勤廉青奥》写首诗词啊.现代自由体诗词什么都可以.要突出青奥跟勤廉.想不出来脑细胞死光光了.急 600503 xing ma zhong guo jiao yu hui gai ge ma? ma的 天上有几个星星? 已知a,b,c在数轴上的位置如图所示,化简|2a-b|-3|b-c|-2|a-b-1|.__________________________c b 0 1 a 前3次打靶平均数为5环.前4次平均不低于6环,则第4次至少应打多少环 cos2π/7cos4π/7cos8π/7要过程 求值:cos2π/7cos4π/7cos8π/7 gentleman怎么读 gentleman 读法 汉语意思 复数a+bi的平方为5+12,则a=多少,b=多少.是5+12i 双曲线方程及性质的应用已知双曲线3x²—y²+3,过P(2,1)点做一直线交双曲线于A ,B两点,若P为AB的中点,(1)求直线AB的方程(2)求弦AB的长 1. The water level ( ) suddenlyA.rise B to rise 顺便说一下为啥哈 The water finds its own level gentleman中文是什么啊怎么读? 指出各句的结构. the water level rises tony cleaned the blackboardthe cloth feels soft.i refused to say sorry to her.my father showed me his new mobile phone. A Gentleman 绅士 阅读理解Dick was seven years old,and his sister,Catherine.was five.One day their mother took them to their aunt's house to play while she went to the big city to buy some new clothes.The children played for an hour,and th 叹息造句快回答 叹息怎么造句我现在就要,我现在三分钟之内, Good to share,Important 4 everyone!这英文怎翻译? 求arcsin(cos4π\7)的值 A cup of tea products ups and downs common heart made thousands of the world啥意思 according to a government notice.All dairy products made______Sept.14 must be pulled off the sh...according to a government notice.All dairy products made______Sept.14 must be pulled off the shelves.A.in B.before C.at D.later 理由是什么.. The company made efforts_____their products.A.promoting B.to promote C.promoted D.topromoting Promoting Potable Water Supply qmd.wangming1.cn and Sanitary Systems water supply connector是什么意思