
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 00:54:33
⒈It's very kind for you to let me know about your beautiful city ⒉Now I'd like to tell you something about your beautiful hometown ⒊It located on the bank of a river and it is a beautiful place to live in ⒋Its economy has been developing rapi 桃花心木怎样分段?最好是老师给你们上过哦! Dear Kate,1.I am very excited learn that you're coming to city for your summer vacation.Both of my parent 3.miss you a lot.So did my sister,Cathy.June is the best 4.time of the year to visit the city,because of there is only 5.a few rain and it 阅读短文回答问题:《桃花心木》回答:给短文分段,并概括第二段的段意 高中英语短文改错, 桃花心木文章是怎样分段的 高中英语短文改错,.急.有图 日本人怎么看待唐朝?古代和现代日本人分别怎么看待唐朝?大唐王朝在日本的历史上意味着什么?影响是什么?从古至今,日本人是不是一直想永驻大陆?建立像大唐一样的,雄跨东亚强盛的大国? 在唐朝中国人把日本人叫什么 "大唐国者,法式备定,珍国也,长须达."1.材料反映了日本人眼中的唐朝是什么样的?2.为此,日本是怎样做的?目的是什么?3.唐朝对日本有何影响? 为什么日本人会比较喜欢唐朝的中国人呢?而且他们似乎对中国唐朝的历史了解的比其他时候多. 唐朝女人怎么那么像小日本儿?我看那些唐朝仕女图都是一点眉目跟小日本儿超像!为什么唐朝人的审美观这么雷,喜欢胖死人不偿命,眉毛又短又粗,脸上扑了一层又一层白铅粉的女人? I am writing to ask you come to our class for a visit.I've ____heard that you havo been to Greece.In our Greece unit,we ____have been learning about it's rich culture and long histury.____Since you have visited Greece several times,so I would like to 我得讲一篇短文改错,但是我的英语水平很烂,改时写清为什么吧,最好详细点,I have been play piano for four years.Last year when i heard the news which there was going to be a piano performance came up in a few weeks,I felt ve l hate the exam system weare now used this system may be a good way to text a student`s`memory and it can tell you nothing about astudent`s ability it does not good to students or teachers as soon as a child begins the school he enters a world of exa 高中英语短文改错《在线等》有十个 Although i have met a lot of teachers in my life ,but Devon is the one i would never forget .She came from Australia .She taught our English when i became a high school student two years ago .Devon alw 中外著名探险家故事 中外探险家的故事 要 中国有名的 探险家故事 谁是日本政府派到唐朝进行交流的使团 45,_____是日本政府派到唐朝进行交流的使团.唐玄宗时高僧______东渡日本弘扬佛 教学设计 教案 唐朝时期,派遣使团到中国次数最多的国家是日本还是大食? 家长如何培养孩子想象力 高中英语短文改错My swimming experience is extreme interesting.There was 1________a time that I swam like a rock.This went on until one day 2________when I was fishing with a friend at nearby pond 3________I fall into it.If my friend had not c 求高中英语短文改错!I like PE (Physical Education) and that's probable my favorite subject.Usually when the class come,I have a strong desire to go out and I think it is really good enjoyment.I like to go out to exercise,and after exercise I 重点课文复习语文八年级上册所有课文的文学常识和中心思想准确、详细、多多益善 ) 初中语文人教版八年级上册第6单元的《三峡》《答谢中书书》《记承天寺夜游》《观潮》《湖心亭看雪》中的1:通假字,2:一词多义,3:词类活用,4重点实词.找出这些用法的字并分别写出他 人教版初中历史八年级上册教案 天宇商品市场怎么样 武则天为什么算是唐朝的皇帝用教科书上回答 如图,A,B,C表示三个村庄,它们被三条河隔开,现在打算在每两个村庄之间修一条笔直的桥,则一共需要架多少座桥?.C.A.B图画错了 在两个村庄A,B被一条河流隔开,现在要架一座桥MN,使A到B的路程最短.问桥应该架在什么地方?