
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 05:51:15
英语单词的拼写的创作有原因吗如果有原因理解了是否对记单词有用?随便说下语法 教堂教父问题我想知道教堂里的教父是如何产生的,还有教堂是不还分区总教,国家总教?这些教区的负责人又是如何产生,是梵蒂冈总教任命的吗? 求在新郎新娘教堂结婚时神父与他们的对白类似如:教堂播放着“结婚进行曲”,神父问新郎新娘,不管#¥%……¥,你愿意吗? 首字母填空ORBIS is an international o_______.It knows that people need education about eye care.There are many people with b_______in poor countries.Their lives are full of s_______.With the d_______from generous people and businesses,ORBIS is a 根据首字母填空.Henry is an o____ thinker.His ideas are completely new and different from others'.Duringg the coolest months,the southeast erade winds blow regularly from May to November,and it's neither hot nor cold.So this is the most 有时 我会记起你 英语怎么说? 这次我真的不想再记起你 用英语怎么说 数学题:一头大象重多少千克一头大象的体重是一只小猪的101倍,已知一头大象比一只小猪重420千克.一头大象重多少千克? 大象,小象体重的和是5吨,已知大象的体重是小象的4倍,求大象和小象各重多少吨?三年级没学过未知数,所以不能用X来解题?1从何来啊 数学题“大象的重量是牛的8倍,大象比牛重3.5吨,求大象和牛各重多少千克?”用方程 谁有三部教父全集的英文经典台词最好是带中文翻译的,不过没中文也没关系, 求电影教父的英文介绍~几百个单词就好,不用太多的.. 英文简介谢谢你们了,我现在真的很急着用 求十个英语单词.可以发照片. 保存照片的英语单词 按首字母填空what do you usually do in your d… life 英语按首字母填空1.she finds a new part-time j___in a bookstore.2.this is h___ work but she likes it.3.she can h___a lot of time reading books She thinks she can do the job w___.4.Wendy's busy day s___at 6:30a.m.5 英语 根据首字母填空English is a b__ to the world.We must be in the same b__to overcome the difficulty.What is Jane doing?She is b__her sister.Your clothes are very clean.Do you often do the l___ on Sunday? 英文 根据首字母填空----------(情况)have changed a lot. 根据首字母填空,Sam likes fish very much.He often buys fish in the supermarket and takes it home .But when his wife sees the fish,she often t ___,"Good I ask my f____ to have lunch and we can eat the fish ,They like fish ,too." 爱着你用英语怎么说 大象的体重是5吨鲸的体重比大象的25倍少一吨大象的体重比黄牛的10倍还多400千克黄牛的体重和鲸的各是多少 爱着你 英语怎么说 我能做的只能是默默爱着你 英语怎么说如题 图中的英语单词什么意思 看到第四幅图你想到了什么英语单词? 教父英语怎么说 急求《教父》的英文影评.最好是美国著名评论报纸或著名影评家的.正面反面的评论都要一些.每个评论两三句话就行.做PPT用的. 我,服装设计师,永远的时尚教父 英语怎么说 谁有和小学五年级《鲸》一样的说明文关于白鲸 小学五年级的说明文------电器00前 《鲸》查找这篇课文(小学五年级)查找〈鲸〉这篇课文,