
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 00:14:30
烯还可不可以裂化?烯还可不可以再裂化? 三角比很简单的题三角形ABC中,角A,角B,角C所对的边为a,b.c且cos A=1/3,若a=根号3,bc的最大值 古代人发音和现在一样吗? 一个很简单的初中三角题 ``````````解三角型``很简单``可惜我不会``三角形ABC 角B=135度 角C=15度 边长a=5 求边长 b答案是对的```请问怎么算的``` 一道短文改错题robert Frost was not longer young when he published( )his first book of poem in 1913.Though born in San( )Francisco,he grew in a New English family which was( ) returned to New England when he was ten,As many( ) other writers,he 一道短文改错题,帮帮我~~~~~~~~~~~~When I came to your home,I found that you are out.So I had to leave you a note. I'd like to inviting you to my birthday party at 7:00p.m.tomorrow evening.Let me tell you how to get to my flat.You should take Peter arrived home and discovered what he had forgotten his door key.He rang the bell,but nobody came toopen the door.He rang again and waiting.Still there were no reply.He walked round the house to see if he could find a open window,but they were al 一个短文改错题--高手进---在线等There is good news for the people of our city. A new car factory will be built here. As a result, there will be many new jobs for workers. The building of the factory was agreed(in)last m 英语翻译如果用“Reservoir capacity 那么形容它大是用big,large,high?还是什么? 民国初年湖南的尊孔复古思潮主要包含哪些内容?请举例说明. 英语翻译英文的,太久了真是忘记. 狂的组词有哪些 如果一个人他有很多心事而不敢说出来那么他会是一个怎样的人呢? 一个人如果有很沉重的心事怎么办 已知sinx=a,a∈[-1,1],x∈[2kπ-π/2,2kπ+π/2],k∈Z,求x 云南省宣威市羊过水水库怎么走 远大都市绿洲属于哪个社区? 那本词典不属于tom,但属于我 英语翻译 “由这个圆周构成的圆” 英语如何翻译? 青春无悔,自信无畏 这句话用英文怎么说,最好能押韵 1、中国近代历次反侵略斗争失败的原因和教训是什么?2、戊戌维新运动时期威信派与守旧派争论的内容有哪些 文言文-----于圆的翻译 小丽和奶奶一同上楼,小丽走的快,奶奶走的慢,小丽上二层,奶奶上一层,小丽上的九层,奶奶上到几层? 将0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,这十个数字填在下面三个算式中,每个数只能用一次,怎样填才能使等式成立?( )+( )=( ) ( )-( )=( ) ( )+( )=( ) 冬天和夏天,同一个时间(11:00)太阳照在一个窗户上,用投射下来的影子作比较,冬天的影子较长,还是夏天的影子较长?为什么? 还是独立主格题...The pupils who are playing on the playground are my classmates.At the meeting that was held last week,many problems came up.The explanation which you gave us is not satisfactory.I found that my hometown had changed a lot.I not 求独立主格的的解析,要清晰明了一些~ 1)_____C____,the train started.A.After having given the signal B.After the signal given C.Giving the signal(我觉得该选B)2)_____,so you can wait a whileA.The play is still on B.The play being still on C.As the play is still on D.The play 0.5乘1/2 掰手腕怎样完成的? 求y=│x-1│-│x-2│的值域.