
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:18:05
( ) the people in thecountry are very poor ( )they feel quite happy   Aalthough but  Balthough /   Cbut /  D/but    是选D么? 用多义词造句 热 还有 探 I'll take it 怎么读 英语翻译 I'll take itThis pair of pants is nice,can I try( )on?( )是填it还是them如果是要买它,是用it还是that? 英文语法 I'll take your word for it.I'll take your word for it. 我相信你的话.I'll never take you at your word. 我将永远不再相信你的话.如上请问for it在后表示什么意思语法何解,好像不通顺,多了For it,这应该 I can see some flowers under it(变为否定句) 改同义句:The box has some books and a radio in it.The box _some books and a radio. You can look flowers and books on it.哪里错了 you son of bitch为什么不是 you are son of bitch Jim is a American boy. jim is an american boy(改为同义词) jim ()()america there are some FOUR ruler on the desk.(对大写部分提问)sorry,我多打了some. you are sun of beach!有这用法吗?不是son of bitch You son of a bitch 、 You are mean and horny you are such a son of bitch You son of a bitch 这两句有什么区别?哪句骂人更脏? -------有太阳--------照射着-----------树林 扩句 can you lend me some books() for english beginnersa write b written Jim is at home.同义句转换Maybe jim is at home.刚才打错了sorry can,I,some,flowers,my,buy,teacher.can,English,you,help,with,me,my.at,they,shop,are,a,gift.怎样连词成句? --I have some trouble___English.Can you help me?--Sure,I'll be glad to.A.to speak B.speaking C.speak D.spoke 英语翻译This is a chance for students to travel to the UK and participate in one of the most challenging and rewarding cultural programs available. 以“安全教育在我心中主题班会”为题写一篇作文 “welcome to come to Beijing” this sentence is to welcome the foreigner to suppose,for can better manifest China is a civilized country,advocated :Welcomes Olympic Games Stresses the civilized tree new atmosphere.five lucky babies represented “B 以安全为主题写一篇作文800字左右 以“微笑是最祥和的语言”为题写一篇文章 Is this ____looking for?This is ______looking for.Is this __B___looking for?Thisis ______looking for.a.what are you b.what you are c.that were you d.that you were 求一篇关于安全的作文. 求上海牛津高一英语辅导报第8期答案 是2012的~ 2011-2012上海牛津高一版英语辅导报第一学期第二期答案谁有?上海牛津高一版英语辅导报第一学期第二期E F G H 给再往上加~ 新民主主义革命时期中国共产党加强自身建设的经验 nobody grows old by living a number of 大家帮我挑挑英文名字,Cynthia 辛西亚 希腊 月亮女神黛安娜的称号.Michelle 蜜雪儿 希伯来 紫菀花.Nicole 妮可 希腊 胜利者 Sylvia 西维亚 拉丁 森林少女.大家觉得哪个名字好听呀?