
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 07:10:37
My father likes e_ a lot to keep healthy. 医生护士为什么都穿白大褂? Send my best wishes May you have a colorful day!是什么? 凡是穿白大褂的人就是医生. 修改病句 “凡是穿白大褂的都是医生”是病句,怎么改 Then he dressed their baby daughter and took the child for a walk before leaving for work.这里不是过去式么,为什么后面要用leaving criteria of being healthy要三点 in which 中的which指什么?a pump had come into use in which expanding steam raised a piston in a cylinder,and atmospheric pressure brought it down again when the steam condensed inside the cylinder to form a vacuum. 英语提问:At the party,he gave a speech in which he thanked all the pupils.今天读书读到的句子,感觉这句话里in which的用法有些疑惑.in which应该引导定语从句,但前面先行词应该是地点名词,请老师朋友帮忙 开除学籍 英语怎么说?rt i think i__calls are very expensive 如图所示,直线AB,CD相交于点O.若OM=ON=MN,那么∠APQ+∠CQP= my mp5player is very expensive .i don't think so mine is much_____( expensive) than yours 这句话中 为什么用in which呢Delayed Sleep-Phase Syndrome (DSPS) is a circadian rhythm sleep disorder in which the individual's internal body clock is delayed with respect to the typical sleep at night, rise in the morning pattern of most adul 麻烦大家帮我看看这句话里面in The first paragraph illustrates the importance of doing this research,in which too citations are used.我的in which指的是first paragraph,可是这样写出来很像指的是research, 浣溪沙 晏殊的题材?咏物抒怀,咏史怀古,即事抒怀. 填空9.10题 我是高一的新生,马上就要分科了,我的数学英语还行,不爱背书,地理不太好,...我是高一的新生,马上就要分科了,我的数学英语还行,不爱背书,地理不太好,对文科不太感兴趣,我该选什么? i wanna go next year 科学填空,题, Can't set managed bean property:'serviceLocator 使用JSF+SPRING+HIBERNATE 是什么原因啊 求:店里的一件衣服上 写的“GRN Outdoor” Outdoor 应该是“户外”、“门外"的意思了吧. 补充 前人栽树,{ }.丁是丁,{ }.精诚所至,{ }.以小人之心,{ }.只许州官放火,{ }. 写作文怎样写得长 提升高度的作文题材为议论文,字数600以上, 怎样写作文容易得高分?(主要是作文成绩拔尖)作文得高分的要点、秘诀、关键点以及写好作文的方法有关历史伟人、诗人词人、名著主人公的作文素材(越多越好)可以发到我的邮箱happyg 可以给我 壮汉断棘 文言文的译文吗?其中最好有:恒__ 晒__ 堪__2每一个“之”的翻译3从壮汉那得到的教训 壮汉断棘 英语翻译来 某sen翻译以下文字贾先生是全世界最帅的人周某某是全世界最聪明的人某sen是全世界最胖的大叔:) so far,the shanghai world expo ____to be a great success as people expected.为什么填has proved 不是has been proved? suffer shand bear的区别请详解有例子更好 suffer 与bear 忍受的区别