
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 06:51:10
get a headache还是get some headache,什么时候用get some 给单词的适当形式填空【we have six ____(lesson) a day.millie and her sister ___(not be) in the same school. You have to replace him,he fell in Love with you had better ( ) your shoes ( )A.to have ,mended B.have,mended C.have,mending D.have ,mend Nothing more important than the fact that met a great teacher.这句话哪里不对了?我用易改软件检查一直提示成分不全,算我英语水平过低,实在看不出哪里不对了. 蜂的所有种类像蜜蜂,马蜂.不要那么明确,一个统称就好,而且要一种种类里同样的蜂很多,不要稀少种类.(知道多少写多少) 这只蜂是什么品种的 蜂的种类 I think the bad news made him cry yesterday.分别对bad news 、him、yesterday提问 三个句子 I think the bad news made him cry yesterday.分别对bad news 、him、yesterday提问 三个句子 I think the bad news made him cry yesterday.分别对bad news 、him、yesterday提问 三个句子.米有人会吗 The bad news made him ___(feel) disappointed 英语翻译请问如何翻译成英文?正式英语,不要词霸的翻译.普通话翻译成Putonghua老外看得懂吗 have you got a doll ? 是什么意思呢 英语翻译 have you taken you temperature什么意思? you have got a crush? 三年级语文上册第十一课描写布鲁斯心情变化的句子要有四句 被蜂类昆虫蛰了怎么办被蜜蜂类昆虫(黑色小虫,估计是地脚蜂)蛰了脚怎么办.当时有个较大红点,一点点血.脚有点疼,但是小腿就麻了.人晕想吐,大汗不断.就用白酒清洗,用手挤压了伤口,又用 what is true love? "What is true love?3Q Have you ______read the poem If?A stillb everc yet d never Listen to Our Hearts解释歌词大意Listen to Our HeartsHow do you explain,How do you describe,A love that goes from east to west,And runs and deep as it is wide?You know all our hopesLord,you know all our fearsAnd words cannot express the love we “普通话等级二级甲等”用英语怎么表达? it's what we aim to do,our name is our virtue...Nothing compares to you Listen.I want to tell you ____.A.anything B.nothing C.something 除了蚁,蜂之外.哪种昆虫有虫后? 有种长得像蚂蚁但比蚂蚁还小的蜂,拖着根很长的尾,是什么虫子?一个讲昆虫的视频中看到的 我的叔叔于勒中..作者笔下的于勒.若瑟夫..父母是怎么样的人..今晚就要搞定啊...是三个问题的..第一个问题是作者笔下的于勒是怎么样的人第二个问题是作者笔下的若瑟夫是怎么样的人第三 have you read the article yet?yea i ___ it last night.a:have read ; b:read. You wanna a piece of me?这句英文好像很复杂,我就知道一种翻意.有人知道么 背影中我对父亲的感情发生了怎样的变化