
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 08:33:08
民国时期怎样称呼少年?假设一位男青年去一家店里买东西,店老板应称呼他少爷还是先生还是其它什么? 民国时期是怎么称呼父母的? 求民国时期称呼大全对丈夫兄弟的妻子、对丈夫的双亲对自己丈夫的称呼对丈夫兄弟 民国时期的称呼求爷爷,奶奶,父母,外公外婆,姑姑婶婶,叔叔伯伯的称呼有多少写多少 最好标上地区和种族 (不知道的话就不用标了) 晚辈不甚感激 另外 我没多少了 How was shenzhan like years ago? my father was a farmer thirty years ago 句意不变 三大题, 数学第三大题 用暗自好笑造句ji. 小灵通作业五年级数学上册第20页的第三小题怎么写?2.4米的红布384m,要做成底和高都是0.8m的红色的三角旗,可以做多少面? 求《小灵通》人教版数学五年级下学期P70 解决问题第一小题、第三小题(1)一根彩带长十米,用这跟彩带捆扎一种礼品盒,捆扎方法如图,接头处用去的彩带长30cm,这根彩带最多可以捆多 硝酸能把铁化掉吗 镁与硝酸顿化吗 这两句哪个语法正确?(1)China has a larger population than that of the U.S.A.(2)China has a larger population than the U.S.A.The diode produces about nine times more radiant power than that one.此句语法是否正确? 硝酸化的氯化钡什么意思? 稀硝酸化的硝酸钡溶液是什么意思 求助itraq试剂盒的购买? 帮忙看看这两句语法对吗?One thing need to be complementaryReceipts' date should be this year! 这两句英语句子语法对吗?The pattern was similar for transportation and others,with USA being the leading energy consumer WHICH HAD the slowest increase.The pattern was similar for transportation and others,with USA being the leading energy 这两句语法是对的吗昨天去天津星火上课,星火教育机构的老师说would you mind open the window?The guests having left ,she began to have a rest,求助两句语法是对的吗? 关于连词and的一些问题,下面两句话都是书上的原话,这两句话从语法上对吗?1.any profession needs people who have mastered certain skills and possess certain qualifications.2.when you are choosing a career,choose what you are see sb doing sth和see sb do sth有什么区别?还有,为什么一定是do或 doing,而不能加三单或时态 “纵横中国”翻译成英文是什么?(有官方翻译的最好)一定要准确有官方翻译最好. 英语翻译比较标准的英文,不要那种自动翻译的! 这两句话有语法上的错误吗?我的一张手抄报的题目叫做UK!UK!需要加The吗?(以英国为主题)还有,有一个专栏我写UK'S UNIVERSITY,需要改成THE UK'S UNIVERSITY吗? 请问这两句话是什么样的语法结构?一、过雨看松色二、五更疏欲断请分析得全面些。 这两句话的语法是否都正确?(1)China has a larger population than that of the U.S.A.(2)The population of China is larger than that of the U.S.A.The diode produces about nine times more radiant power than that one.此句语法是否 英语翻译I dislike liars,thieves,cheats,CD's that skip,boats that leak and people that are cruel to animals.Three important things to me are..Integrity,Reliability and a Smile!A Friends Love says...If you ever need anything I'll be there True Love 这两句话符合语法吗?(1)The models who on the fashion show look so beautiful.(2)The girl who wearing minority costume is from Guangxi.这两句符合语法吗? 硝酸脂类在心血管中应用 照下面的句式续写两句话.未经历风雨交加的夜晚,哪会体会到风和日丽的可爱! 这两句话什么句式所谓天者非谓苍苍莽莽之天也王者何贵