
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:46:45
英语报子,正确形式填空,谢谢 连子用英文怎么写 Here is so cacophnous是什么意思? 警车(用英语)用英语说,是不是police car 警察的英文是“policeman”,为什么警车上的英文却是“police”? point-source pollution ,nonpoint-source pollution是什么意思在翻译一篇关于地下水污染文章时有point-source pollution and nonpoint-source pollution这2种污染种类~ 麻烦看一下语法/词汇错误I remember the first time I rode bike.My mother bought abike for my 5 years old birthday,It's a wonderful bike Inever seen,and I still storage it.At that time,Even though I don't know how to rode it,butI really wante 改作文 麻烦把语法和单词错误批一批Is there little guidance that history provides to us today? The issue claimed so. I fundamental agree with the opinion. As the develop of modern society, it is truly that the past cannot help people fo 单词形式________________(not tell)jane about it. 请英语高手帮个忙,夏天一个充满幸福的天空下一丝丝清凉的风吹过挂满祝福的风铃荡起美妙快乐的歌声不竟似想出心的你如冰清玉洁的白莲花偶而散发出淡淡的清香让人陶醉、迷念此时的我 英语翻译I called my bank you who say you should notify your own bankwho have tried to accomplish yourbecause it has created in foreign valluta ( usd dollar)I hope that you understand me Everything about the city shouts "heritage" - there's culture ,history ,art and more!Heritage!嗯,这是关于水城威尼斯的, Their self-reporting about feelings and behavior becomes more reliable and accurate.self-reporting 在这里翻译成什么比较合适? 为什么生活在别处?抛开书本上的,只说自己是怎么认为的,敞开说~ Students shouldn't (c ) more about their clothStudents shouldn't (c ) more about their clothes but their studies 解释“生活在别处”极尽详细也无妨! 英语翻译Thanks...Thanks... My father si washing his 5年级下册的练习册上的题 he's wshing his face一般疑问句肯定回答 生活在别处用英语这么说,急, 英语翻译想要印名片,市场部经理,行政部经理的英文翻译及缩写各是什么? fight pollution是什么意思 英文口译,分中高级和二三级是怎么回事呢? you can't do it because it hurts nobody如何理解 eiffel You are so young that you can't ride a motorcycle.等于什么 首饰如意是什么动物,有什么意义 老师认为和学生在一起将使他们获得极大的乐趣.这句话的英文翻译是甚么? 如何教好高中英语 英语中高级口译需要补充哪方面的知识,本人想往这方面发展,考过的是PETS四级,听说中高级口译较好找工作,但一直没有准备,请告诉一下如何准备 这样的装扮代表什么动物 属龙适合带什么动物的饰品吗