
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 03:09:59
He played football with his friends l---------Sunday I only have I allowed you. I am always on time 准确点的 seconds to break to have a break 1.street the there is black car it German a is big on也是连词成句 we had to( )the house as we had lost the key A.break out B.break into C.break through D.break u选什么,为什么 Lack of punishment seems to give youngsters licence to break the law.翻译,并语法解释. I see a big mountain,a city ,a fast black car,a road,a big park and a little pink pig.这一段话什么 有没有比权力这个词好的,但意思不变?快在“我的权力我做主”这句话中. 怎样使耳朵变大 经常对耳朵拉伸按摩会损害耳朵吗 所以求益耳的所以是什么意思 not to break和don't break有什么不同. 怎样区分custom和costume貌似打错了,反正就是一个是风俗的意思, suit和costume的中文意思中的服装,在英语中有什么区别?无 ____ so many profits have been made in the past three years is the strongest argument for continuing the businessA:What B:Since C:That D:As things,in,are,the,now,car连词成句 The car are in the things now.这句话对吗? All things are in the car now.改错快来回答可老师说题目没错,帮帮忙再想想.也许now不用加呢? 这些字怎么念?有什么含义?怎么造词?(月+利刀旁)左右结构, (缴丝旁+乞)左右结构, (单人旁+仓)左右结构, (山字旁+己)左右结构, (王字旁+干)左右结构, (三点水+乞)左右结构, (左耳刀+井)左右结构, The things are in the car now.的意思 "遽"字念什么.什么意思,如何组词. 请问fit和suit的搭配区别是什么? 430和3O4有什么区别 msp430和51有什么区别 如何加盟克莉丝汀 christine怎么念?什么意思? christine是什么意思? christine 若复数i-2和i-3的辐角主值分别为A和B,那么A+B等于多少 若复数i-2,和复数i-3的辐角主值分别为A和B,那么A+B等于多少 角1,角2,角3分别等于复数1+i,2+i,3+i的辐角的主值,为何角1+角2+角3就是积(1+i)(2+i)(3+i)的辐角?