
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 08:01:53
We don't consider ___ necessary for them to more into that house?为什么空出填it? 有和斗破苍穹,武动乾坤一样好看的小说吗?最好男主最开始是废物,后来慢慢变强大的.反正不要一开始就强大,然后扮猪吃虎的那种.不要穿越的,要一开始就是在异界大陆,还有,不要都市文.发到 能劝人与大家和睦相处(俗语)速速要来,限时8点之前 和睦相处是不是成语? 和睦相处的成语有那些 和大家和睦相处的俗语和和朋友关系亲密的成语如题 求了解,译林少儿英语 空中码头(打一城市名) 空中码头是指哪一个城市? The boy coming from Beijing is my brother . 我们老师说用ing形式是因为是与the boy是主谓关系什么意思啊. coming不是不能做谓语吗 何来主谓关系啊 海军戴什么颜色的帽子 The boy being laughed at is my brother .这里做后置定语的是ed形式还是ing形式 Mary d—— that the man was a thief如题. That man may be a thief.Be careful ____ him.A,from B.to C.at D.of I hope I will have an interview with the famous star soonI hope __ __ an interview with the famous star soonMike was chosen as the manager of that big companyMike was __ __ __ the manager of that big companyDon't forget to wake me at seven o'clock __ 空中码头猜地名 空中码头,风平浪静,河湖解冻,千里戈壁,共产主义分别猜一个中国城市名, 春夏秋冬的古诗各两首 return=give back; come back?指“归还”的意思是 return to sb.那指“回到座位上”应该怎么说呢? 善学者假人之长以补下一句 It's looks very nice () her A.in B.on C.with D.need HE HEARD A NOISE为什么用A来修饰声呢 i heard a strange noise coming from the house above意思strange意思.coming意思.above意思.在此句的意思 He heard a noise.The noise was coming from the bar.【改为定语从句】 One day,I was walking in the field when I heard a strange noise from the sky.I looked up to see wh能给我这盘文章的中文意思吗? he heard a noise__coming from the barA which wasB who wasC that isD which is 为什么C不可以?.为什么是A 跪求2011年诺贝尔经济学奖的原文 2011年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者的主要贡献RT由于本人不是学经济的,最好是结合区域经济分析 赞赏近义词1232321513近义词 赞赏的近义词急急急急急急急急急 赞赏的近义词是什么 朴实 近义词