
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 02:52:56
What can you deal with...这样的句型存在吗?不是 with.. My life has been changed 和how my life has changed 有什么区别? _religion used to have _hold on people第一个空 为啥没有冠词?求救!(>_ Perhaps you have already had other people,is you perhaps always very busy,中文意思 下课打闹被老师抓了怎么写检讨书?我们才刚开校, 高中生处对象挨抓检讨书怎么写 在你身边选定两位观察对象,观察一段时间他(她)们的笑,然后描写出来急 将18个人排成三排,每排6人,不同的排法有 种 英语翻译the maximum power coefficient for an airfoil translating at right angles to the wind is given by a*b 将18个人排成两排,每排9人,不同的排法有 种 把18个人分成3排,每排6人,不同的排法有我知道这道题的标准答案为A18,6*A12,6*A6,6.但是我认为此题只是说分成三排,并没有强调前中后排,也没有强调每个人的位置,应该为(C18,6*C12,6*C6,6)/A3,3(因为 Farewell,my friends! Farewell,My Friend 歌词 So long,my first job!Farewell,my friends 英语翻译是9个字母 第四个字母是c You needn”t worry about me You _____ _____ ____You needn”t worry about me You _____ _____ _____worry about me.同义句 少年闰土的心里有无穷无尽的希奇的事,深深地吸引着我.缩句 五个人站成一排,求在下列条件下的不同排法的总数:(1)甲在乙前,(2)甲在乙前,并且乙在丙前,(3)甲乙丙不全相邻请写出具体式子, 初三英语 求详细解答-Have you seen ___pen?I left one here this morning.-Is it ___ black one?I saw it somewhere.A the the B a a C the a D a theDon't ___ to strangers on your way to and from school,my parents always ___ to me.A speak say B spea ----I____Fujian Museum twice.How about you?----Never.I hope to visit it soon.A.have gone to B.have been to C have gone D have been 请问伽利略比萨斜塔实验是真的吗? 1.Look The sun is shining______,what a beautiful day A.brightly B.bright C.more brightly D.brighter2.When an where to build the new factory not decided B.are not decided C.has not decided D.have not been decided首字母填空To improve this does not matter,for,as he has often remarked,one is never too old to learn as引导定语从句吗 He often does thisIt's often wet in spring------------------------"often"第一句在(be)动词前面,第二句在动词后面,想知道怎么用好“often”谢谢 he often does this可不可以用he often does it I have a book to read 是不是宾语是a book 然后to read是修饰a book的 可不可以看成a 是修饰book的然后to read是修饰book的 He saved money for years .为什么不用现在完成时.这是新概念第二册31课的一句话.我很不明白.希望高手指点我.谢谢了@ I saved money for years.问题是:为什么用了for却不用完成时态,而用过去时. 中国的鹰击83反舰导弹能否击穿400年前朝鲜李舜臣的铁龟船? First,the Labor Department reported a spike in the number of Americans filing for jobless benefits.翻译一下这个句子,当中的spike是什么意思? 梁书 陶季直传 译文开头是:陶季直,丹阳抹陵人也.祖愍祖,宋广州刺使. spike在这里是什么意思?A recent spike in mortgage rates has created a new predicament for potential hpmebuyers:Forge ahead and try to lock in now?Or hold off?注:mortgage(抵押);predicament(困境);homebuyers(购房者).