
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:06:30
专四英语单选____________,He is good at drawing.A.To be a child B.A child as he C.As a child D.For a child 英语专四单选~_______ ,a man who express himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.a.other things being equalb.were other things equalc.to be equal to other thingsd.other things to be equal 英语专四单选连续选15个b可以吗?怕就怕这样做,会被按零分处理我需要非常准确的答案呀!17号就要考试了,为了给阅读这个大头多留一点时间只有如此了。谁能给更准确的答案吗?其他回答 你会相信星星会说话,石头会开花吗?穿过夏天的木栅栏,你终会抵达吗?恋爱 相信 我始终相信,石头会开花,星星会说话,穿过夏天的木栅栏和冬天的风雪,你终会抵达.把这句话翻译成英语 我还是相信,星星会说话,石头会开花,穿越过夏天的木栅栏和冬天的风雪的你终会抵达.帮我译成英文.I still believe,the star can speak ,the stone can blossom out,through the summer of fence and the snowstorm of winter , 我还是会相信,星星会说话,石头会开花,穿过夏天的栅栏和冬天的风雪过后,你终会抵达.这句话出自哪里呢? 假如我是班长 高中作文800字先表达当班长的决心,然后再说怎么做.(感人点) 【Attention!】寒假英语作业16道单选错题 主动啃老是什么意思? ”假如我是班长”这篇作文怎么写啊 This's a red pen怎么改错? 用she,like,bike,a lot造句遣词造句 dose she like painting回答 I found myself ____,"How can I help you?"Asay Bsaying 数值分析有什么作用?数学中的数值分析的详细作用在哪些方面? 用什么形容小错误往往发现不了用什么俗语形容? 指不在随便说话和相信别人是什么词?同题.我要的2个字的词.不是典故. 46到50求英语高手 表示向上看的词语不要组成的 只要表示向上看 表示向上看,说出两个表示看的词语.()().^-^~ 向上看,的表示看的词语 It's on the same day as my birthday! Today is Army Day,it is ________my birthday.Army Day dan your birthdayis_______the same day.全文:Hey,Tom!What is the date today?It is August 1st.Really?Today is Army Day,it is ________my birthday.That is interesting.Army Day dan your birthdayis__ 描写小河的段落 描写小河的段落和句子,越多越好 英语翻译 在线等 50分 急!BEIJING, March 8 (Xinhua) -- China's national political advisors submitted 6,069 items of proposals to the annual session of the top advisory body as of the deadline at 2 p.m. Thursday, said an official from the sessi 英语翻译Some Tips to Take NotesHearing something once is not enough to really learn it.That’s why it is so important to take notes.Taking nots helps you focus and learn during the class time.Well organized notes also heip you study better.Here 英语经典小故事50字左右,急 英语翻译随便什么故事都可以。越短越简单越好。 大自然的诗歌 描写看的词语.