
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 17:46:32
为什么是A属于B而不是A=B或A包含B 求一道关于向量的填空题的解题步骤向量x与向量a={2,2,-1}共线且x向量乘a=18,则x向量=(4,4,-2) 请告诉我这个结果是怎么得出来的,我感激不尽 六年级上学期第9课小草与大树苏教版补充习题第四大题的第2小题求答案,我们老师发的讲义纸我忘带鸟,555~在线等,急! 英美文化问题解释以下名词1.The Epicureans2.Discus Thrower3.The Colosseum4.WASP 1.What do you know of Jesus Christ?How do people in the UK and US celebrate Christmas?2.Why can we say that Puritanism has much influence on America?3.Make comments upon the impacts of one scientific inventions on human beings from both positive and 代词英语练习题目2.I don’t think we can do it all____.A.by ourseves B.by myself C.by ourself D.by yourselves8.The book on the shelfis___.She wrote_____ name on its cover___.A.Hers;her;herself B.Hers;hers;herself C.B.Herself;her;hers D.Her;he 英语代词练习 英语代词练习题急求解答(在线等they were all very tired,but___of them took a rest.A.none B.all C.both D.eitherreading more helps___learn betterA.we B.our C.us D.oursms wang is an excellent teacher.___in our class loves her.A.someone B.e 英语代词练习,26( ) 1 _____ of them has an English dictionary.A.Every B.All C.Both D.Each( ) 2 There are lots of English books here,and ____ of them is easy to understand.A.both B.all .C.every D.each( ) 3 I didn't know that you___would___there.A 李清照的《如梦令》里的绿肥红瘦描写什么季节的景象?1.晚春,2.盛夏,3.初秋,4.寒冬 陆游 诉衷情的读后感 英语代词的一道题、This is an old photo of ____when I was a child.Do you want to have a look?Yes,I'd love to.A.me B.my C.mine我当时选的是A,但是我觉得A也是可以的啊~这是我小时候的一张我的照片、 初二英语翻译题!第四大题! 英语 代词题1.-Which one can I take?-Oh,you can take all of them.I'll keep____.A.some B.all C.none 2.-Do you know the boy ____ is playing soccer there?- Certainly.He is a friend of my _____.A.who;brother's B.who; brother C.whom;brother3.-Is every 李清照《如梦令》里的“红肥绿瘦”描写的景象是什么季节? 空间四边形ABCD的四条边上,分别有P、Q、R、S四点,若PQ交RS=k,求证:k属于ACrt 介绍一个历史文化名人.200字左右就行 一道关于代词的英语题That is an unpleasant thing to say about your father after___he's done for youA.somethingB.anytingC.allD.that要详细点说明为什么,不要只给个答案为什么我觉得 SOMETHING 和ALL 都可以呢? 如下……Xiao Shenyang says that _____ job is to make people happy.his为什么不是himhim是用在动词或介词后面,我觉得符合耶~ 西江月 夜行黄沙道中的上下阙是什么意思 已知向量a=(1+cos2β,sin2β),向量b=(1-cos2β,sin2β) (π/2<β<π)⑴求│a+b│的取值范围⑵若│a│-│b│= -2√2÷3,求 sin2β的值. 惜花须检点,爱月不梳头?有什么含义?有什么含义?用在当今社会上有什么意义吗? 在△ABC中,AB的模为3,AC的模为1,L是BC的垂直平分线,交BC于点D,连接AD,点F是AD上的一点.问:(1)向量AD*(向量AD-向量AC)(2)向量AC*(向量AD-向量AC)(3)如果AC垂直BC,求向量AF*(向量FB+向量FC)的 已知△ABC和点M满足向量MA +向量MB+ 向量MC= 向量0.若存在实数m使得 向量AB+ 向量AC= m 乘 向量AM 成立,求m的值 李清照“如梦令”里的“绿肥红瘦”描写的是什么季节的景象? 种植沙柳,改善环境,主要是因为沙柳能 列方程,解方程 对联“有闲新燕剪绿柳”对下一句是什么?如题.有闲新燕剪绿柳的下一句 五中队有四个小队,第一,二有19人.第二,三,四有35人,第二小队占全中队的五分之一,第二小队有多少人 我应用题不好,我这人还懒惰,我该怎么办?我很苦恼,我该怎么办 一道关于the other与another的英语题One of my brother has brown hair and the other has (the other or another ) blonde hair这道题我们还几个同学都考虑了好久呢,话说两个答案都可以吧,可是答案是the other ,可我们书 一个圆柱底面直径和高都扩大为原来的2倍,它的体积扩大为原来的8倍,为什么?