
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 15:01:34
I second his motion that we_a special board to exam the problem.A.shall set up B .set upC.will set up D.would set up答案是选B,为什么不其它的,具体帮我说明一下, I second his motion that we( ) a speacial board to exam the problem.A.shall set up B.set upC.will set upD.would set up这里second 是什么意思啊.second不是第二的意思吗? in that one second和in that second 有何区别也就是想问 one 在句中的作用,希望高人顺便能给指点一下one的常见作用、用法~ I am for the suggestion that a special board be set up to examine the problem.求翻译 A question about keyboard operatorWhere is colon on the keyboard give me five do you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention and has to be solved?why or why not 外教考试题目:DO you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention in china? 庄子追求什么样的无差别境界 一个棱长三分米的正方体橡皮泥,捏成高是四点五厘米的圆柱,圆柱的底面积是多少?再帮个忙 把一个棱长三分米的正方体橡皮泥,捏成高是四点五厘米的圆柱,圆柱的底面积是多少? 囧囧书城的书怎么样? 英语翻译中国父母和外国父母在教育孩子方面有许多不同之处,例如:当孩子在家里谈论某个同学时,中国家长首先会问:“这个同学学习成绩好吗?”而外国家长则会问:“这个同学的为人如 庄子的思想境界与心态 庄子的境界到底是什么? none、nothing和nobody的区别 Do the twins go home by bus?(同义句)Do the twins _____a bus ____? 小肥羊火锅店餐桌哪里购买 火锅店要加工一张圆桌面,圆桌面的直径为1.4米,从正中间挖去一个直径是0.4米的圆洞,加工后桌面的面积是多少平方米? 小肥羊火锅店打算花一定数量的钱买餐桌和椅子,这些钱只买桌子,正好买15张;只买椅子,正好买30把.一张桌一张桌子配三把椅子,这些钱可以买桌椅多少套? 小肥羊火锅店”打算花一定数量的钱买餐桌和凳子,这些钱只买桌子,正好买15张;只买椅子,正好买30把.一张桌子小肥羊火锅店”打算花一定数量的钱买餐桌和凳子,这些钱只买桌子,正好买15张; 火锅店要加工一张圆桌面,圆桌面直径1.4米,从正中间挖去一个直径0.4米的圆洞,加工后桌面面积 It is required that the project should be finished at once keyboard operate 怎么翻译 皇后的女儿怎么称呼皇上的妃子,还有姨娘是什么= =. cancel可以当不及物动词吗.It will be canceled 这里的 cancel 是不及物动词吗. cancel的过去式是cancelled还是canceled ( ) "Will the committee meet during the vacation?""No,l suggested that a meeting__at someother time."a.holdsb.would holdc.holdd.be held 有点和圈的成语 as though. as long as. even though. though. althas though. as long as. even though. though. although 分别是什么意思 用法是什么? We don't offer any discounts on the room rates.There are discounts on the internet usage though if you are a long-term guest.请问如何翻译 申请南洋理工大学的MBA,要雅思还是托福?还需要考GMAT吗?