
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:52:33
用括号里适当形式填空 The sun__(rise) in the morning.Look,it___(rise) behind the mountain.2.____(there be) any milk bottles on the table. Mary usually does some _____(read) in the morning. 五年级四个班开展做好事比赛,用( ) 统计图好 i don't usually _____(am read/read) in bed at nine o'ciock in the morning.应选什么 理由 十五分之()=五分之三=()之十八=12÷()=()帮忙填下括号里的. x-2(2x-1)小于等于-4 He usually goes to school on foot.(同义句)He usually ____ ____school. The little girl usually goes to school on foot.对on foot .提问 Tom usually goes to school to school ( )foot ,but sometimes he goes to school ( )bus.括号里填介词 (1除以X-1)+(2x除以x+1)等于2,解X为几 25)-四又五分之二+(+十八又四分之一)+4.4-三又二分之一+五又四分之三+四又六分之五-六又十八分之十五(﹢七分之二)+(-七分之四)-(+九分之五)-(-七分之五)-(-1) 用used to do,be used to do,be used to doing和括号中动词的适当形式填空 (1)我习惯了每天早上读半小时英语.I ____________________ (read) English for half an hour every morning.(2)There ________________ (be) a quiet mountain vil 中国共产党的文化工作历史沿革、包含那几个方面 解方程 X-2.3=6.9 9.9X+2*5=1000 4X-2*0.8=30.4 6.2-2+2X=12.4 已知sinθ=αsinφ,tanθ=btanφ,其中θ为锐角,求证:cos=根号内 a的平方减1除以b的平方减一 如果五年级同学做好事24件,六年级同学做好事多少件一个扇形统计图,六年级占60%,五年级占30%, 学雷锋做好事,六年级做好事150件,().1、相当于五年级做的件数的五分之四2、比五年级做的件数少20% (3/7)^5*(8/21)^0*(9/7)^4 第11题答案 初二数学;分解因式(X+Y)^4+(X^2-Y^2)^2+(X-Y)^4 求答案第11题 求第11题答案 要具体过程:(x+2)(x+4)+ x² - 4 It took me fifteen minutes to finish the e--mail改为同义句 she spend fifteen minutes going to school by bike every day 同义句转换1._____ fifteen minutes walk _____ _____ her home to school every day.2._____fifteen _____ _____ _____ her home to school every day It took me fifteen minutes to finish the e-mail.(同义句)()spent () quarter in () the e-mail. It takes ( )fifteen minutes to get to school 填her 还是your 还是his 还是she She spends fifteen minutes by bus to shcool?有什么错的吗? 关于X的方程a(x+m)^2-b=0的解是x1=-3,x2=1(a,m,b均为常数,a不等于0),则方程a(x=m-3)^2+b=0的根为 关于有理数乘法的一道题目,急!在学习有理数的乘法时,李老师和同学们做了这样的游戏,将2013这个数说给第一位同学,第一位同学加他减去他的1/2的结果告诉第二位同学,第二位同学将听到的结 30道有理数乘法计算题带答案(只要乘法的计算题别的不要)急~ 如果关于x的方程x²-x+k=0(k为常数)有两个相等的实数根,那么k=___