
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 11:14:52
主要的图书信息检索工具有哪些? Excel的升序和降序是什么意思 列出方程解决下列运用题 考勤系中升序降序是什么意思 [√6分之(√6-√12)x√3]+√6 初一计算题提高准确率我准确率有些低 she has already bought the book(改为否定句) she ____ bought the book_____.I have always wanted to _stay with my parents_ in Beijing(对划线部分提问)what have you always wanted _____ _______in Beijing.Kate moved to Beijing two years ago 最好是方程计算:10111213141516171819×99989796959493929190-10111213141516171818×999897969594939291 Where is the beautiful picture?You bought it last week.连成一句话 Where is the beautiful picture?You bought it last week.(合成一句) 函数y=f(x)当x属于【a,b】时值域为【ka,kb】(k》0)则称y=f(X)为k倍值函数.若f(X)=lnx+x是k倍值函数求实数k的取值范围 1.某项工作,甲独做4天完成,乙独做8天完成,现在甲先做一天,然后和乙共同完成余下的工作,问完成这项工作共需要几天?2.已知兄弟三个岁数的和是30,如果大哥的岁数减2,二哥的岁数加2,弟弟的岁 She went to Bristol yesterday(用where针对Bristol提问) where did she went yesterday? She went to the countryside( ).A.in the morning at nine on June first,1968 B.on June first,1968 in the morning at nine C.at nine in the morning on June first,1968 D.on June first,1968 at nine in the morning could you please ________ the picture on the wall?a pick up b look up c get uo d put up 如果(cosα)^2-(cosβ)^2=a,则sin(α+β)sin(α-β)=?我的步骤是:(cosα)^2-(cosβ)^2=a(cosα-cosβ)(cosα+cosβ)=a【因式分解了】(2· cosα+β/2 · cosα-β/2)(-2· sinα+β/2 ·sin α-β/2)=a【和差化积】然后后面 如果sin(π/2+α)=cosα,sin (π/2-α)=cosα,那么sin(π/2+α)=sin(π/2-α)对吗? sin(2π-a)cos(π/2-a)/cos(π-a)sin(π/2+a)化简…再求值(要有大概过程) The l___of the songs are very beautiful and sound like a poemPlaying is an art that is played by pulling piying By s ___His grandpa died of h_______disease last year Do you like Cai Yilin's songs?Yes ,they_____really beautiful .A look B listen Csound为什么不是listen? do you like Jay Chou's songs?Yes,they()raelly beautiful.A.lookB.listenC.soundD.see Do you like the song You and Me -of course.It ( )really beautiful.A:listens B:thinks C:hears D:sounds 有依次排列的三个数:275,对相邻的两个数都用右边的数减去左边的数,所得的差写在这两个数的中间,可以得到一个新的数串:2、5、7、-2、5,把这个过程称为第一次操作:如果这样继续操作下 1.(1-2^2分之1)×(1-3^2分之一)×.×(1-10^2分之一)=?2.(5分之3)^15÷(-3分之5)^14=? -2³÷(-4)³+1÷(-2分之1)³12-(9分之7-6分之5)乘以4²(-3)²×(-2)-{(-2)×(-1)}²我都做了, 1.在於铁路平行的一条公路上,有一行人与骑车人同时向南行进,行人的速度是1米/秒,骑车人的速度是3米/秒.如果一列过车从他们背后开来,它通过行人的时间是22秒,通过汽车人的时间是26秒,那 get your feet under the table The dictionary and the baseball_____under the table.填空 已知函数f(x)=-x^2+2x,g(x)=kx,定义域都是[0,2],若|f(x)+g(x)| 如图所示电路,R1=R2=4 Ω,R3=R4=2 Ω,UAB=6 V,求:(1)电流表A1和A如图所示电路,R1=R2=4 Ω,R3=R4=2 Ω,UAB=6 V,求: (1)电流表A1和A2的示数(不计电流表的内阻).(2)R1与R4两端电压之比. sin(a-b)sin(b-r)-cos(a-b)cos(r-b) sin(α-β)sin(β-r)-cos(α-β)cos(r-β) 1.sin(α-β)sin(β-r)-cos(α-β)cos(r-β)2.( tan4分之5π+tan12分之5π)/(1-tan12分之5π)3.[ sin(α+β)-2sinαcosβ]/2sinαsinβ+cos(α+β)