
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 09:55:50
You should't leave,You'd bettersee it for yourself 谁可以帮我翻译这个句子啊?九年级上册英语仁爱版的 why insurance is so important in the international trade?what is your opinion?用英语回答, 温故而知新的知 温故而知新的“知”的意思 温故而知新的知是什么意思?(注意是知! 谓语前的就是主语吗 请分析主语,谓语,宾语It is the duty of everybody to obey the law.to obey the law是宾补吗it 是形式主语。真正的主语是duty of everybody是duty 请帮忙分析,主语,谓语,宾语Beside,this is unlikely to produce the needed number of every kind of professional in a country.to produce the needed number 做什么成分of every kind of professional in a country.做什么成分 主语后面可以不是谓语吗?能构成句子吗 英语句子中谓语可以不跟在主语后面吗 be enthusiastic about / for sth热心于某事 feel / be enthusiastic about doing sth对做某事热心be enthusiastic about / for sth热心于某事feel / be enthusiastic about doing sth对做某事热心这两个句型可以做句型转换吗?如 feel/be confused about sth 行测题 which is correct?why? Charles的音标 Which of them is correct? Why?A car is yravelling on a road during lightning.Boy:We should leave the car.The case of tjis car is made of metals which are good conductors. We may easily be struck by lightning.Girl:It is safer to stay inside the car.El Charles Roger Hargreaves 请牛人给标注一下音标 need后要不要加介词 need sth后面跟什么介词 末雨绸谬是什么意思 (未雨绸谬 词语[未雨绸谬]的解释 又到花开时 作文、我要题材、思路!命题、又到花开时要求、张开想象的翅膀、憧憬心中的美好;文体不限,不少于600字我不要范文的、就是大家告诉我主要写什么、怎么写就好了、谢谢! "wentworth earl miller "(米勒)怎么读?这是米勒的英文名字,但我不会读,问一下用过于怎么读?(谐音一下) wentworth Miller 是怎样的人? 母亲说:”改为转述句 妈妈对爸爸说:“我听不懂你在说什么.”(改为第三者转述句) 要准确的答案!急!要快! 英雄已陌路, 末路陌路细碎尘埃,怨景愿景彼岸花开什么意思? 改被动语态变哪个词、 more and more fermers buy colour TV sets 改被动语态、顺便说说是什么形式 未雨稠缪的典故 为什么 a number of修饰可数名词复数 但是为什么还会有a number of people 的情况呢 people 可数么? 未雨稠缪还是未雨绸缪.绸.稠