
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 05:26:37
把1 2 3 4 5 6这几个数填在方框里组成一个等式,每个数字只能用一个 A+B=C+D-E+F school .l visited last year was not the one .l once studied at..为什么选B,which;where.B./;/.C.which;what.D.who;which The school where he once studied is very famous.为什么这里用where 如果 改成The school which he once studied in is very famous.就变成了用which! the school ()BIll once studied has becoem famous应该填什么呢? 英语超简单选词填空(详见补充)Most adults once studied at school,had classes and did their……Most adults once studied at school,had classes and did their homework everyday.The same thing is going on at school now ._______ it seems t he once studied at one of the most famous universities( )he doesn't want identified为什么是which不是where y=1/x+1的定义域和值域 1某市鼓励居民节约用水,对用户提出一下几点:每月用水不超过2吨,按每吨a元收费,超过 2吨,按每吨2a元收费.如果某居民这月用水收费8a元,问该居民这月用水量2某商店同一天出售了两台复读机 若g(x)为定义域为区间【c,d】上的减函数,则g(x)的最大值是( ),最小值是( ) 数学整体带入求值题已知(1/a)+(1/b)=4,则(a-3ab+b/2a+2b-7ab)=________ 带入法【数学15x-2y-28=025x+3y-53=0这是一题..反正我知道答案x=2 y=1就是不知道怎么算而且要带入法,消元不行 被减数,减数与差的和是18,如果减数是4,那么差是被减数的()不知道是不是题目错了 被减数,减数与差的和是100.其中减数是18.那么被减数和差分别是多少? 函数y=1/2x^2+x-3的最小值是 减区间是 这两道应用题怎么写?要具体过程,不要方程! 这两道应用题怎么写?要具体过程,不要方程!(方程也可以, 1、某校五年级2个班,五(1)班的人数比五(2)班的人数多1/5,在五(1)班中,男生比女生多1/4,在五(2)班中女生比男生少1/8,求该校五年级两个班合起来男女生人数的比为几比几? 已知f(x)=1÷(x-1),x∈[2,6].(1)证明:f(x)是定义域上的减函数,(2).求f(x)的最大值.最小值? 数学思想方法总结我是人教A版,谁有各种思想方法总结,发过来谢谢了, 平行四边形ABCD,AD=根号6,CD=2根号3,角A=45度,求AC,BD. 7778×-9999+-3333×6666等于多少,要过程,清晰些 物理电路为什么考不好?我作业做得不错,但每次考试总考不好,选择和填空失分尤其严重,那些知识点记忆的总是写错,我现在很烦啊!我是初三学生刚接触电学 初一下语文作业本(封面是紫色的,浙江版)16课杜戏到30课狼的所有答案.分狠多.只要伱有 用第一称来叙述狼写出狼的心理变化和动作行为七年级下册语文作业本 30课〈〈狼〉〉 He is the first president in American historyThe capital of the US is named after him.he is ... 怎么样帮孩子提高物理成绩? 英语翻译Barack Hussein Obama has made history by becoming the first African-American president in American history. Barack Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4,1961.His parents separated when he was two years old and later divorced (离婚 obama made history by being elected as (the) first black president of the United States .为什么括号内要填the不是表示总统,班长一类的名词都不加冠词么 barack obama is the first ----to be elected president in the U.S.A.' historyA European-American B African-American 帮我给800开方,得出小数点后三位有就够了. 已知被减数是18差是减数的1/5那么减数是( )差是( ) 一个总体有4个个体,从中抽取一个容量为2的样本,说明为什么在抽取过程中每个个体被抽取的概率都相等