
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 20:40:48
could you please not speak quickly翻译成中文 There are lights in the streets and shops 中文翻译一下 听某人做某事,看某人做某事,用英语是哪个句型.举几个例子.说说语法.sometimes,sometime ,some times ,some time.这几个词的区别,和用法,举几个例句.on,和for 的区别,好像是什么on+名词是抽象的.for+名词 lights and there stere streets in shops the are连词成句 the traffic lights arethe same in every country.there are always three lights:rid,yellow and green.red means "wait",and green means"go".in china,drive on the right side,too.in england andaustralia,however,drive on the left side of the road.if you go 1.The traffic lights are the same in every country.There are always ________lights.2.Yellow means _________.3.In China,drivers drive on the __________ side of the road.4.In the US,drivers drive on the __________ side of the road.5.In England,drivers There are shops and markets here and there.(改为同义句)There are shops and markers __. 几个高中英语题1.We went to the village in 2008____we learned farming here. A that B which C when D where这道题为什么不选A 呢?答案是C.怎么区分强调句型和定从?2._______like a wonderful idea, what he said was approved of by 已知关于X的方程2分之1X=—2的根比关于Y的方程5Y—2a=0的根大2,求关于Z的方程A分之Z-15=0的根很多年没有做题了,今天我儿子问我这个题怎么做,还多把我给难住了,现 已知关于x的方程1/2x=-2的根比关于y的方程5y-2a=0的根大2,求关于z的方程z/a-15=0的根 帮个忙, I'd like to speak to Jenny,please.I'm afraid she is out .May I( ) a message?A leaveB takeC sayD give Hello!May I speak to Jenny?答句( ) A.who's that?B.who are you?C.I'm Jenny.D.How are you? 初二上册的英语改错1.His classmates usually clean the room in the morning before the school.2.It is a bored job.I don't like to do it any more.3.It is your turn to make the dog for walk.4.Will you please to drive me home?5.There are no laundr 已知x^2-xy=8,xy-y^2=3,分别求下列各式的值:(1)x^2-y^2 (2)x^2-2xy+y^2 已知x的平方+xy=8,y^2+xy=2,求x^2+2xy+y^2和x^2-y^2的值 请各位有经验的同学帮我估估09年12月四级的的得分~说下我错了多少:1、快速阅读:选择错1个,填空说不好,0-3个吧2、听力:长对话错0-1,短文错6个,听写单词错2个,句子错1-3个3、选词填空:错 英语翻译1.她足够高到可以够到黑板的上端2.风足够猛烈可以把沙子吹过太平洋3.在沙尘暴里骑车很吓人4.遭遇海啸是可怕的是(tsunani)5.在沙尘暴里开车很危险6.专家希望了解更多地壳运动(the mo 改错题,并指出1.I can't hear clearly please turn it down.2.Make you at home.3.I will tell you when he will come back.4.When I get home,my mum was cooking.5.When you meet the older people.you should shake hands with them. 英语定语从句中译英,1、这是本月上映的最好的一部影片.2、人们喜欢住在空气新鲜,噪音少的地方.3、1949年是新中国诞生的一年. 急求10年6月、12月,11年6月四级听力音频, 求2006年六月以来历年四级听力MP3 已知函数f(x)=asin(kx+π/3)和φ(x)=btan(kx-π/3),k>0,且a;b是属于R两函数最小正周期之和是3π/2,且f(π/2)=φ(π/2),f(π/4)=-√3φ(π/4)+1,求两函数解析式 已知函数f(x)=asin(ωχ+π/3),g(x)=btan(ωχ-π/3)(ω>0)的最小正周期之和为3π/2,且f(π/2)=g(π/2f(π/4)+√3g(π/4)=1,求f(x)g(x)的解析式求f(x)和g(x)的解析式 1.He is looking for a seat to sit [on].括号里的介词请问为什么不用down?2.“公园的入口”用of 还是to?“楼的入口”呢?3.“他没被请去参加晚会,感觉被冷落了.”He hadn't been asked to the party and was feeling 1.They came to a house,in front of which there is a tall tree.2.I have seen the teacher whom you talked with about your son.3.There are many students in our class,three of whom are foreigners.4.He have flown to many countries three of which are his f ①Hiking is [great fun] and exiting ,but you shouldn't forget safety.这里的[great fun]为什么不能用greatly funny 哪里有错?②听力问题是这样的 In how many countries has Avatar been shown besides North America according to the talk “帝王”的英文是什么、 我们是王者用英文怎么说我只知道we are zhe .王者好像是c开头的~~~别错了 帝王的英文 求2012年12月四级听力选项题目第一题是11.  W: I just heard about a really beautiful park in the east end of the town. There are a lot of roses in bloom.  M: Why don't we walk over there and see for ourselves?  Q: What will th 几道高中英语定语从句填空,要分析1.The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months,----the sailing time was 220days----为空