
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 07:27:06
since一定要用完成时么 i love you since last summer 这句话是对是错? 请问The Suburbs MV讲的是什么? there are many advantages to living in the suburbs.the advantages of living in the suburbs are numerous.这两句话文法可以吗?住在郊区有什么好处? TOEFL 求翻一句话When experimentally deprived baby robins are placed in a nest with normally fed siblings, the hungry nestlings beg more loudly than usual—but so do their better-fed siblings, though not as loudly as the hungrier birds. 句型转换It was fun to watch the dog run loose in the park_____ ______ It was to watch the dog run loose in the park 英语感叹句的应用英语的感叹句应该怎么用呢?我们现在学的有so ,such ,what ,how这四个,后面应该怎么+形容词,名词,还是说be之类的(详细的好) 求托福阅读提高都说中国人应该是阅读分数最高,但是我的阅读怎么练就是那个死样子,相反几乎没有练过口语,但是上次考的口语考的还不错,最近在练阅读,感觉不认识的词没有以前那么多了, 英语感叹句怎么用? 求详细的托福阅读提高方法. my father is resding a newspaper now否定句 My father ( )English now A.reads B.reading C.is readingD.read 毕加索简介不要太罗嗦,抓要点. 教他说话(翻译成英文) 英语翻译 将会教给你如何说话 毕加索的英文配中文介绍要短一些,6—8句话 毕加索英文简介 不要太少 有翻译 How can a manager become an effective leader?Answer in English.Thank you! He p__ a successful manager. why not beside WHY YOU?why you?WHY ME?why me?WHY NOT?why not? My friends all are very nice改错 You must feeling happiness now!中文意思是什么? I'm very admiration My of friend .and above all him piety been aggressive.什么意思啊?中文翻译成:我很欣赏我的朋友.尤其是他的虔诚和敢作敢为的拼搏的精神?还有没有朋友有其他想法的呢? Must happiness!Thank you once love!really thank you!的中文意思?我会好好的谢谢你们的! Simon is her____ (good) friends of all.My brother dose very well in many of his___lesson.My brother dose very well in many of his___(lesson). 我们中国的国花到底是什么又象征着什么,字少点,应为我小报的格子画得小. why you treat me like th? Hong Qiao sir:We must happiness 多么 小的盒子啊用英语怎么说 感叹句 她英语说得多快 感叹句 on the way to 不是加名词吗怎么能加work?on the way to work 去上班的路上 WHY YOU WHY ME WHY