
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 02:57:46
英语翻译徐孺子年九岁,尝月下戏,人语之曰:“若令月中无物,当极明邪?”徐曰:“不然.譬如人眼中有童子,无此必不明. 名词做主语,宾语,补语的例子同上 英语宾语补语过去,现在分词的区别如,I found him sleeping on the grass. 和 I found him sleeped on the grass.是不是处状态的区别? 我的某本书上咋第一句的意思是 我发现他在草地上睡着了.是不是第二 什么情况下用现在分词作宾补语,什么时候用过去分词作宾补语? 一小道 函数单调性应用问题~f(x) 是 定义域 在 [0,+无穷大)的减函数,比较f(0)与f(a² - 2a +2)大小因为f(x)的定义域 [0,+无穷大)所以 a² - 2a +2 大于等于 0(就是这里,同学们把目光放这...由 语法 Don't speak + 什么? 动词原形还是ING形式,还是什么? 求值域y=√2x-x²(里边没括号的) 和 y=√-x²+6x+3 (里边没括号的) (12 19:20:45)列举三个少数民族的传统节日,并写出相应的说明. 历史与社会的重点、难点有哪些?哪些是必考点? 社会 (26 9:31:48)为了抗击日军,由金华地区中共党组织领导建立的第一支人民抗日武装队伍是 大学英语(四)单选题31.— How long are you going to stay in Canada?— _______A.For a while.B.For five months.C.I’ll not live there.D.I’ll come back.满分:2.5 分32.Little _______for his future life.A.he will expectB.he does expectC 大学英语(四)单选题1-101.— Is the toilet on the ground floor or 2nd floor?— _______A.No,there isn’t.B.Yes,it is.C.On the ground floor.D.It is empty.满分:2.5 分2.The company’s move to new offices is _______.A.in turnB.in effect 大学英语(四)单选题1-20一、单选题1.His answer is not correct,and _______.A.neither am IB.either is mineC.neither is mineD.mine is neither2.You lecture last year inspired me to take this course.A.你的讲座让我选择了这么课程 大学英语(四)单选题22-3922.— Would you like to see the menu?— _______A.No,thanks.I already know what to order.B.Your menu is very clear.C.I hear the food here is tasty.D.The setting is very comfortable.满分:2.5 分23.— Northweste 大学英语(四)单选题11-2011. A true friend will not turn away when you are in trouble.A. 真正的朋友不会远离你的,无论是在什么时候.B. 真正的朋友不会在你困难的时候离你而去.C. 在你处于困难之中的时 我有一事相问,动名词能做宾语补语吗? 在 张道真英语语法 中,能做宾语补语的有形容词,名词,介词短语,副词,不定式,分词.并没有说有动名词,动名词能做宾语补语吗? 老大我想问你一下关于动名词复合结构做宾语和现在分词做补语的区别,我举2个例子你看下吧.{动名词复合结构做宾语}Do you mind my(me) smoking,现在分词做补语i saw him going upstairs,当在口语中动名 动名词做宾语的口诀 “安全第一”英语翻译 一道大学英语单选题,I didn't know what to do,but then an idea suddenly ________ to me.A.appeared B.happened C.occurred D.emerged ,为什么要选择2.My car ________ so I had to come by car.A.fell down B.fell off C.broke down D.broke up3.He _ 生死攸关的烛光阅读题答案① 第二次世界大战期间,法国有一位家庭妇女,人称伯诺德夫人.她身边只有两个幼小的儿女.为把德国强盗赶出自己的祖国,母子三人都参加了秘密情报工作.②伯诺德 请教一个英语语法The world’s three top central bankers (Greenspan,Duisenberg and Hayami) are all close to the top of the alphabet,even if one of them really uses Japanese characters.As are the world’s five richest men (Gates,Buffett,Allen, 请教一个基本的英语语法winners simply do what losers don't want to do.这句话的意思是“胜利者只是做了失败者不想做的事”为什么要再“do”的后面加what呢?这表示什么用法? the teacher has told us something __we should do in the summer holiday.A:which B:that C:who D:what 选择填空,说明为什么选它 The teacher has told us how we should improve our speaking skills(改为简单句) My teacher told me what i should do 改为否定句 n.(常pl.)是什么意思啊?pl.是什么意思啊? 请教一个英语语法题Have a glass of water.这个句子的回答是:I've already had some.还是:I've already had one.因为我考虑的是water是不可数,而用作a glass of 是量词,这时也应该是用做可数? 英语四级中的标注[常 Pl.] 新东方英语四级中熟词僻义表中的标注[常 Pl.] 那age做老人或者衰老讲旳时候为什么不用复数? The world’s three top central bankers (Greenspan,Duisenberg and Hayami) are all close to the top of the alphabet,even if one of them really uses Japanese characters.As are the world’s five richest men (Gates,Buffett,Allen,Ellison and Albrecht).As 请问这句“I had to go to see the dentist”是过去时吗?如果是的话为什么后面的动词没有用过去时态的呢? Only then did she realize hao much damage had been caused.这就的语法和句意个是什么如题 谢谢了要详细啊