
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:58:41
为什么说发菜属于细菌? These disappointing figures highlight the fragility of Britain's economy these 是什么词性?代词?但是如果these是代词 那figure 是名词啊中间没有连词吗?又不是像our her his 这样可以接名词的词啊? a walet lying on the ground ,lying on the ground分词作定语.可是那个定那个呢? 英语翻译 请问relative、related和relevant的区别? 黄河大合唱的主题和音乐情绪是怎样的? 完全动词have可以替代动词like吗have可以代替很多日常的动作词 比如have a swim have dinner have a haircut等 但我看到一句话是i don't have milk in my coffee 这里的have是代替了like吗 可是从来没见过have代替l have 可以代替哪些动词,或哪一类呢?学习新概念1-81时遇到的问题,比如我知道可以have tea/have breakfast此时have相当于drink/eat.还有在课文中一句having a bath,这里是不是代替动词的进行时.having a bath/w catch up 1.he ()carefully ,but he ()nothing.A listen ,hear B listen ,heard C listened ,hearD listened ,heard2.if you don't ()carefully ,you can't ()the sound.A hear ,listen B listen ,listen to C hear ,hear D listen ,hear Tom____carefully but ___nothing A.listened;listned B.beard;heard C.listened; heard D.heard;listened说明理由有高分 哈尼族语言“啊大”什么意思 急救!还是啊 什么 我也忘了 哈尼族语言中让达是什么意思? 辨析 related 和 relevant relevant和related有什么区别?如题~纯粹复制粘贴的就算了,最好给个例句之类的。 英语翻译The time differences are typically on the order of tens or hundreds of nanoseconds. 英语翻译美国海淘遇到退差价的问题,这是客服的回答.我有3笔订单 这句的意思是不是没个订单退25%的金额?Ok,yes I show we applied a refund of 25% per order on the 19th of May. 委托加工的应税消费品,按照受托方的同类消费品的销售价格计算纳税;没有同类消费品销售价格的,按照组成计税价格计算纳税. be related to和be relevant to,在用法上有区别吗?be related to和be relevant to,都是“与...有关”的意思,在用法上有区别吗?例句:He would have been immune from any crimes_____piracy.这道题的空处答案是“related to The advantages and disadvantages of teleworking. There were few factories around our town ten years ago,____?_____.It was a clean and beautifulA were they;NoB weren't they;YesC were there;NoD weren't there;Yes 我知道选C 可我认为选A ,反义疑问句根据事实回答.前句说以前有很 (急)! 总是听不明白领导的意思我是毕业了2年的大学生,工作2年之后,觉得以前的单位不行,后来又跳槽到现在这个单位来了,我总是觉得年轻可以凭着冲劲,可以比其他人多做很多事情,但是进来之后, there were [ ] people and factories 有一位领导和我过说这么一句话我一直都不明白是什么意思?那时候,我总是吵着离开公司他做为公司领导找我谈了一次话其中他说了这么一句话他说:“是我把你找来的你走了想过我的感受 related,relate,relative,relevant,relatively这些词的区别! relevant和related,还有relative的区别这三个都有与...有关的意思,可是究竟具体区别是什么呢?最好说的全面些,有例子就更好了,它们的意思我也明白也能查到,主要是对比区别, related和relative的区别.RT all of us can't wait ____ the box(OPEN) were there any---------30 years ago?怎么回答 有思想才有生命,这句话对吗为什么 一什么生命?(有内涵的)