
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 08:58:54
某科学的超电磁炮会不会有第二季呢?电磁炮是禁书目录的第二季,那电磁炮会不会出第二季呢?虽然还在更新,但是因为太萌黑子了.所以呢,还是担心有一天看着看着就没了,所以问问会不会有第 科学超电磁炮第二季出了吗精确一点拉 科学超电磁炮有出第二季的可能吗? Selene,Phoebe,Cynthia这三个哪个做英文名比较好? 为什么洋文的字母小写和我们拼音一样 中国的汉语拼音是什么时候发明的?为什么汉字拼音字母会和小写的英文字母相同?如果说中国的汉语拼音是以英文字母为基础而开发发明的语言,那么历史悠久的中国文化在古时候又是通过什 _Were____ to do the work, I should do it some other day请教我听,这句话什么意思? Were to do the work, I should do it some other day. 翻译:At the meeting,other people were impressed by the kindness and natural looks of his mother,but the little boy felt embarrassed for his mom's looks,and hid himself behind others. what do you think about the story of Yu Gong 其中of 的作用是什么?为什么要用of what the excuse me.you"are sitting in my seat 的翻译 What the hell 是骂人的吗? 译:you're sitting here like a thirsty bump on a log. 缺词填空(You are sitting comfortably on the sofa w__ TV.Then you find the programme you are watching is boring and you want to c__ the channel.You begin to look for your remote control.You s__ all the places in your house but f__ to find it.Have Take the fifth turning on the right,and you can't miss the shopping mall.怎么翻译? dear friend,don't you feel you are lucky?when you are sitting 为什么天上的一群鸟飞的那么整齐 为什么今天下午一群鸟在天上乱飞,还在盘旋? 为什么会有一群鸟在天上乱飞,还在转圈,而且特别多. my mum sets the table.改为一般疑问句,否定句,肯定回答,和否定回答,my mum sets the table.改为一般疑问句,否定句,肯定回答,和否定回答,还有现在进行时 A:Hello.I'm Han Lei.What's your name?B:hello.I’m Mary.____A:I'm from China._____后面还有B:no,i' m not.i'm from america.A:which class are you in?b:i'm in _____a:look.that is my friend,david.b:____a:he is twelve years old.B:is he from america?a 有没有语病:There were ten people presented at the meeting请指出并改正吧 Hello!I'm Panada.I'm from China.I'm beautiful.I like apples and bananas.They're sweet.But I don't like grapes.They are sour.Eagle is my new friend.He likes carrot juice.Because it 's fresh and healthy.Mutton is his favourite food.But I likes carron.I 帮忙改个跟中文名谐音的英文名.我叫谭学辉,男,想改个跟中文名差不多音的英文名,意思要好的, which floor?翻译the fifth floor 6a.翻译 中文名谐音改英文名,求救我的名字后面2个字谐音配于,我想要英文谐音名字,大虾帮帮忙能否尽量像更多,1楼的差不多了 英语翻译全句为“They lived on the forth-fifth floor of a large hotel." 翻译:my home is near the post office.和the fifth floor,room5A I live on the fifth floor .Which floor do gou live on?怎么读 补全对话 A:Hello!this is Mary .Is Tina there?B:Yes,this is Tina.A:__________,Tina?B:I am wanching TVA:That sounde good .Do you want to go to the movies?B:Sure._______________________________?A:I like comedies.B:Me ,too .Let's go to movies togethe floor翻译成中文是什么 You can go there ______ my car .A.by B.in C.on D.at