
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 03:27:41
take college courses useful for one's work这句话的意思是什么.是说去做一些与我大学课程有关的工作么? not waitin 4 ur的歌词+翻译谢谢... B项对还是错,为什么不选B 貌的偏旁加蓖字的下部分是什么字 一个英语句子是不是可以用两种不同的时态均表示相同的意思啊?比如说:Here comes the bus.这是一般现在时The bus is coming.这是现在进行时它们都表达了相同的意思.最近自学语法 对语法讲解的各 How do we help those who lose themselves in computer games? 称重传感器能把称重传感350kg的和750kg的混合在一起使用吗,我的设备是用3个传感器的,我用一个750kg和二个350kg的可以吗? b哪里错了 you should be smiling like an angel like i will show you around the world撒意思 英语翻译A wise person is one who knows how to handle the relationship between money and time.其中one为什么前面不加the?不是一般都是the one的吗? 海里游泳水太咸一般在泳场里蝶泳时,嘴在水平面的一半位置吐气+换气.所以嘴里进点水在脸转到水里时再吐出来,因为是淡水.而在海里游泳的话,水苦了,是不是要把头转高点才换气.住海边的 为什么B错88-下列哪些操作可以实现选区的羽化?(ACD)A、如果使用矩形选框工具,可以先在其工具选项栏中设定“羽化”数值,然后再在图像中拖拉创建选区B、如果使用魔棒工具,可以先在其工 B 为什么错 想问下四级考改成机考后与原来的笔试考试在题型上有什么区别?比如考听力时录音播放的遍数会不会变?各方面考察的比重会不会变?各题型的出题顺序会不会变?麻烦大家了…… 有哪些寓言故事. Fell in the blanks.1.This street is very crowded ____(尤其)on Sundays.2.knowledge is our best ____(财富)!3.This apple ____(尝起来)sweet.4.I think a ____ friend should tell the ____(ture).5.This book is worth ____(read).6.This tea ____ a little Fell in the river,dong… 哪位高手知道the roof fell in 是什么意思?o(∩_∩)o... The contract will be ready_____ in a week.A.to bei signed; B.for signing C.for sign D.to sign —Does the girl standing at the gate_____the car?—No,the car is_____her fartherA.in possession of;in the possession of B.have possessiong of;take possession ofC.have possessiong of;in the possession of D.in the possession of;take possession of 一个圆锥形麦堆的底面周长是12.56米,8米,现在把这些小麦放到圆锥形的粮囤中去,恰好占粮囤容积的四分之三,求这个粮囤的容积. who is the girl in red?I remember seeing her___but I can't remember her name怎填somewhere不实where Most of them have finished their composition___________ (yet\already) 缠足的故事(50字) 后面三个字是“而可想”的词语或成语 do you remember what you were doing?不可以用do you remenber what were you doing 为什么英语搞不懂 帮忙写个英文告示公寓出租徐汇区(Xuhui district)好房出租!120平米,三室一厅.宽敞明亮.三个朝南阳台.豪华装修.景色佳.租金人民币3900元/月.联系电话********. 通告栏用英文怎么说 Some American leaders proposed major changes in the language. 有in the changes吗 什么时候女子开始缠足,和什么时候女子禁止缠足? 跑3圈围着操场用英语怎么锁呢