
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 20:40:49
如图 在三角形abc中∠acb=90° AC=BC 直线MN经过点C 且AD⊥MN于D BE⊥MN于E当直线MN绕点C旋转到图3的位置时,试问:DE、AD、BD具有怎样的等量关系?请写出等量关系并加以证明 花儿要感谢阳光,因为阳光抚育它成长.后面是什么? 搜索太阳花朵是什么样子的 为什么党是太阳我是花 什么花像太阳开?花… 火车站站台上的乘客为什么必须站在安全线以外的位置候车? Tim,why didn't you take part in the football game last week I() but I had my left leg hurt on myway home A was going to B would C had D did 地铁的站台上,都标有一条醒目的黄色安全线,候车时乘客站在黄色安全线的外面,这是为什么? 单选_slip and hurt his leg last week,he has to stay at home.A having slippedB slipping Cbeing slipped D To slip 在火车站的站台上候车,乘客必须站在安全线以外,能够说明流体压强与流速的关系吗?这可关系到我考试成绩啊,请慎重回答! 我好累!英文怎么写? “我好累”英语怎么翻译 I often hear her___the English song in her room.A sing B to sing C sings D singing答案是A我只是想知道hear sb do中的do 需要三单式变形吗 I often hear her ()in her room . Ato sing BsingingI often hear her ()in her room .Ato singBsingingCsingDsings 谁知道枫叶为什么会变红? 枫叶为什么是红的?是因为液泡还是有色体/请给出详细原因,老师给的答案是液泡 枫叶何时变红?具体时间? 引起枫叶变红的物质是储存在叶绿体里面还是液泡?其他植物变色一般是有什么引起的?其他植物变色一般与什么有关? 为什么枫叶会变红? It was not p____for Mrs Sun to walk by herself because she hurt her leg. mis sun couldn"t get out bacause she hurt her leg.(同义句)mis sun _____ _____ _____ get out bacause she hurt her leg. 宇宙中绝大多数星系的光谱线存在红移现象,即多普勒效应的延伸~宇宙中绝大多数星系的光谱线存在红移现象,即多普勒效应的延伸.如:观察者之予物体的相对运动迅速靠近时,所见的光线色 恒星是静止不动的吗?星系光谱“红移”能否说明宇宙正在膨胀? 枫叶为什么到了秋天会变成红色的? 请问什么是“星系光谱的红移”? 枫叶在秋天为什么会变成红色 把下列句子改为被动语态 I often hear Mary sing English songs at home.2.A policeman is running after a theif in the street. we often sing the song如何变被动语态 变被动语态题 We sometimes hear them sing songs in English.---()()often ()()()songs in English. Alice,why didn’t come yesterday--I ____,but my son suddenly fell ill and I had to take him tothe hospital.A did Bwas going to 我选B,,是不是答案错了。 形容月季的四字成语 \x08有关高中生物染色体的问题为什么染色单体形成于间期,而可见于前期和中期?