
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 16:33:22
用play,sleep,eat,drink,write,run造句请英文高手用play,sleep,eat,drink,write,run这5个单词各造5个句子,是句子,不是单词, 改错:You should eat less ,drink less and sleep much. Don't write in the book Don't write on the book 哪个对 Write on your Chinese book和Write in your Chinese book哪个正确 we felt___[move]by the___ [move] story___[write] by him 最好可以写原因和语法啊. 痛苦是什么,快乐是什么.有时候痛苦是一种快乐,有时候快乐是一种痛苦.请说说你眼里的痛苦和快乐.不少于800字,题目自拟. 世界人口稠密区,请讲述其分布特性?请讲述世界人口区人口稀少的原因 说说世界上的哪些地区人口稠密,哪些地区的人口稀少?并试着解释其原因还有在美洲广泛的分布着土著的黄色人种,你知道他们是什么人嘛?他们的外貌特征主要有哪些?在世界上,黄色人种集 I like dance.把这个句子改成过去式:可是,原题就是这个样子,在“dance”上没有加“ing”啊. dance的过去式 华尔街英语对于提高英语口语效果怎么样谁去学了的呀 朋友都说华尔街英语不错,但是不知道具体是个怎么样的教学方式? 华尔街英语听朋友介绍好像还挺不错的, 亚洲的人口稠密区是 这里自然条件 人口稀疏区是 这里自然条件 想找个人聊聊英语口语,qq 408967966 我想和一英语口语高手练口语、聊聊天,谁可以帮我?为了提高自己英语水平,哪怕只是在健盘上聊 这个周末我想出去喝喝茶,聊聊天.英语口语怎么说? 我想找个合肥的练口语的搭档,就平时聊聊练练日常英语口语~· 亚洲人口稠密的地区主要在 怎么回答外国人的话呢?have you been in Belgium?:pI think China is much more beautiful,very pretty culture & nature =)i think youre english is very good^^ i understand everything very well :Dyour hair is very pretty by the way on your pic^^ 请问:我该怎么回答老外的话我说: nice to meet you老外说:nice to meet you two我马上回答:nice to meet you three老外说:what我说:what two老外莫名其妙.怎么回事? 当外国人用英语对我说“上帝保佑你”时,我该怎么回答呢?为什么早上用AM表示,而下午用PM表示呢? Is it your a blue cat 错在哪里? 改错(每句有一处错):1.Kate's trousers is blue.2.Does your sister watches TV every evening? He may come here if he ______(not be) busy tomorrow He may come here if he ______ (be) free tomorrow. He may come here if he _(be) free.Do you like _(have) a bath in the bathroom?My mother often do some _(wash) at weekend. He may come here if he _____(be) free.用适当形式填空,并说明理由 过来的英文是什么 英语翻译门禁系统可实现分时段“卡+密码”方式开门.门禁系统中,门禁控制器3、9单独引线缆RVV2*1.0至报警系统.当门禁系统发现有人非法闯入时,门禁系统会发出报警信号,此开关量信号会引发 what your nema is cat the of yellow 连成句子 What's your cat's name同义句What's ____ _____ _____ your cat?