
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 11:52:56
the 21st century is hte century of information t Whatever the causes,English at the beginning of the 21st century is more widely spoken and written than any other language().为什么选C?明明是“在21世纪的今天呀?”A.ever wasB.had ever beenC.has ever beenD.would ever bev Whatever the causes, English at the beginning of the 21st century is more widely spoken and writtenA. ever wasB. had ever beenC. has ever beenD. would ever be详解3qWhatever the causes, English at the beginning of the 21st century is more widely spo 你认为学习成绩的好坏对于以后的事业成功是否起着决定性的作用?对于有些人说的钱多就表示这个人成功这一观点您怎么看? 一个人学习成绩的好坏与哪些因素有关呢? 学习成绩的好坏一般受到哪些因素的影响?有经历者进 找出句中的错误并改正.my son and am going on a trip to beijing. i love going on trip变一般疑问句 You are mine and I am you. silly rabbit~什么意思? They are rabbit 那个单词错了 急 急 急 the rabbit are at the zoo对at the zoo提问 there is a mini-library in( )ciassroom.(we)用所给词适当形式填空 It is n_ to learn English well in the 21st century 被誉为两弹元勋的科学家是 国家称“两弹元勋”的是哪个科学家 turn,become成为.后面接名词,turn teacher,become a teacher,还有没有其他词有类似用法? _is my turn _the teacher I turn to my math teacher.(改为同义句) 数学家吴文俊的名言 吴文俊是谁?有几个吴文俊? why are you so interested comes from trees Why are you so interested in trees,Doctor Ray? 同义句 1.are the trees in a dangerous situation 2.way are you so interested in tress3.he burnt the letter after reading it4.we don't know how we should do it 将“我希望你和你家人一切安好”和“她长的怎么样?”译成英文第一题格式:I__you and your family __ __ __.第二题:___ she ___? cannot attach to services manager什么意思 my cousin( ) on an island.A.lives.B.live.C.is live D.to live. She droped the tray when I spoke to her.这句话前后动词 droped 和 spoke 为什么都是过去式呢?谢啦. the earthquake is a terrible disaster to athe earthquake is a terrible disaster to all the people.on may 12th,2008,a big earthquake stroke sichuan province .DUCK disaster means to get down under a table or sit next to a wall without windows .翻译 more and more后面加什么 interesting interest interested interestsAs days went by I could do better and better and became more and more _______ in it. 请根据“蝴蝶花”这一名称,想象这种花的形态色彩,然后,请你对它说一段悄悄话,并把这段话写在下面.本题选自《万花溪阅读》 英语翻译在这个句子中我除了as以外,所有单词的意思我都懂.所以翻译是不必把所有单词都翻译,英汉结合的形式也可以,我只要看懂构造就行.我的语法极差,An application for marketing authorization of a interesting interested interests ingterest的区别如题