
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 02:40:34
翻译:To get much mutton,they kept many sheep on the farm. There aren't many shopping malls in the city,are they?怎么回答?回答如何翻译? 数学单位m、cm、dm2、cm2、m2、dm是什么意思``就是说它们代表的中文意思是什么``` 雅思听力短期提高9月底考过一次,总分6,阅读6•5,其他都是6.目标是6•5最好到7啊.都说听力阅读最好提高,有段时间没练习了,听力怎么短期提高啊. 雅思听力怎么提高?现在一般只得5分.怎么练习好?剑桥雅思的题我都有,怎么练习听力? 为什么sheep复数不加s,即所谓的单复数同型?one sheeptwo sheeps这样不是很好吗? fish复数要加s吗 a lot of traffic是什么意思 I know ( )about traffic.A.a lot of B.many C.lots of D.a lot ⑩ they still don't know and what they haven't ma⑩ they still don't know and what they haven't mastered well.这句哪里错了 A lot of deers are eating leaves at the foot of the hill这句话中哪出错了,为什么错,他是什么意思? 急.50分!求一篇描写人的品质的作文.要有一两件事例来描写这个人的品格.抄都不怕 、只要500多字就可要有一两件事例来描写这个人的品格.抄都不怕 、只要500多字就可以不要 写信 之类的、 there is a lot of traffic on the roads .对 a lot of traffic 提问 When they finished s____ in the mall,they couldn't carry what they bought at all那应填一个S打头的单词, there a lot of traffic?” I heard the voice.but I couldn't___ what they were saying.A.leave outB.bring outC.hold outD.make out选哪项,为什么? What's the matter______ they still haven't answered the telegram?填了that, Lucy and Lily can speak Chinese well,because they ___ China for six yearsA.have been toB.have been in C.have come to D.have gone to Zhou Weilun could hardly speak English three years ago,________?-No,he couldn't .But now he isA.couldn't he B.could he C.didn't he They____China for two years.A.have been to B.have been in C.have gone to D.have come to 收入、支出和结余的关系是:收入=() 《将相和》这篇历史故事是由那三个小故事构成的,用小标题表示分别是什么?这是我不懂的题 一道物理题,力矩(设物体离D点S′处时木块恰好翻转,此时墙的弹力为零.则有μmgcos30°•SAD=Mg•SADsin30°+mg)很不解,S′既然是到D点的距离,那么cos30°•S′怎么会是小物体的力臂呢. 力矩平衡所受重力为30N的均匀球放在斜面上,球面上C点用细绳系住,牺牲与水平面平行,斜面倾角为37度,求绳的拉力,斜面对球的支持力和摩擦力 一道关于力矩的物理题最好有详解【好的加分 有关力矩的物理题如图所示为古代的一种舂米工具,O点为固定转轴,舂锤固定在a端,脚踏b处可使舂锤升高到p出;放开脚,舂锤落下.若脚用力F的方向始终竖直向下,假设舂锤升起到p出中每一时刻 一道高中力矩物理题.如图所示,质量为m粗细均匀的均质细杆AB在B点用铰链与墙连接,杆与竖直墙面的夹角为θ=37,A端固定一轻质光滑滑轮(大小可忽略),墙上C点固定轻绳的一端,轻绳 什么叫测量时精确到0.5厘米? 2.5厘米精确到0.1厘米 0.1mm等于多少nm 精确到1. 0.1mm=几nm