
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 16:10:29
宾语从句中的疑问词怎么用Sally found ______(what/that) they said was right.为什么? 宾语从句的特殊疑问词有什么说全点,再讲讲用法, 疑问词引导的宾语从句 宾语从句中 怎样才能知道是特殊疑问词作主语? 1 It is difficult to imagine his ___the decision without any consideratin .(为什么答案是accepting,就是为什么是ING形式的)2 BECOME是短暂性动词吗?短暂性动词可以有正在进行时态?如ARE BECOMING. 翻译:1.But he will also be remembered for his famous move-lining up an imaginary bow and arrow and letting go of that imaginary bolt.2."When I got to the NBA finals I thought that was big,but winning an NBA championship would never compare to win 有关高中英语的几个小问题I'return the book to the library as soon as I have finished it问什么是have finished 而不是finish2:Is this museum the one you visited a few days ago 为什么是the one 而不是that 帮我女儿起个英文名!中文名黄思婷.请帮助说清楚意思.才1岁哟 想给女儿起一个英文名,中文名叫卢禹君,名字希望是好听的、比较女孩子的,简单容易记忆的,脱俗的富有内涵的! 初中英语作文《A good book 》或《A good film》80词左右~ 在下列动物中,都是无脊椎动物的一组是( )A.海蛰、海葵 B.菜花蛇.松鼠 C .河蚌、泥鳅 D.章鱼、带鱼 章鱼属于有脊椎动物还是无脊椎动物如果是,是什么类的.(共五大类,学过的都知道) 脊椎动物按照从地等到高等分为()()()()().无脊椎动物分为()()(). 虾是无脊椎动物么你答跑题了! 初三英语宾语从句I don't feel very well.Mum asked me __ this morningwhat the matter iswhat is wrongwhat was the matterwhat wrong wasExcuse me .Could you tell me__,please?Certainlywhich station can I get tohow can I get to the stationwhich is t 宾语从句Could you tell me who is your class teacher?为什么这里who is your class teacher不用变成陈述句语序?这个样子的除了where to go,how to get to ,what's the matter还有哪些? 宾语从句初三英语 宾语从句问题 Please answer the question in a loud enough voice __ everybody here may order thatD.and我选了A,我A也是对的. 初三英语宾语从句问题,1.我想问特殊疑问句做宾语从句时,从句的语序是什么,我的英语老师说是主+谓 例:I want to know what you were doing at that time.可是我在练习上又看到了另一种:I don't know how t 英语翻译 【英语问题】They can help keep the balance of nature.这句子中为什么要加定冠词“the” It is important that we should keep the balance of nature改为简单句It is important___ ___ ___keep the balance of nature We think ____ is important that we should keep the balance of nature.A one B.that C.it亲们 一定要解释的很清楚 鲸鱼和鲨鱼哪个不是鱼类 英语翻译我工作比较闲,同时爱好英语,成绩也很好,想在家做些英语笔译的工作. 怎么区分定语从句,状语从句,名词从句,宾语从句?有例句那更好了 Mary likes apples (very much)(给括号部分提问) my brother likes (bananas).(就括号部分提问) ___ ___ ____your brother _____. 在午夜(翻译英文) What should we do before meals? what+should+we+do+before+meals?+如何回答 What should we do before meals?的意思是什么?What should we do every day if we want to be strong and healthy?What should we do before we go to bed?Should we go to bed early or late?意思是什么?