
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 20:12:37
ring for manifold 1 for cylinder 是什么 隆中对的作者!简介!翻译! 托福听力会考OG里面的吗?如题.此外,TPO里的听力也会考吗? 三个分别有什么优点 这三个图形的特征是什么? 税收的三个特征 No conclusion ______about whether to t ear down the old buildings for a theme p ark until several discussions have been made.A.will be reached B.is reached C.is bei ng reached D.had been reached No conclusion ______about whether to tear down the old buildings for a theme park until severaldiscussions have been made.A.will be reached B.is reached C.is being reached D.had been reached 为什么不是B no consequence __ about whether to tear down the old buildings until several suggesNo consequence __ about whether to tear down the old buildings until several suggestions have been made .A will be reached B is reached C is being reached D had been r 英语翻译有没有引申义之类的意思? 东南亚的农业生产有哪些特点?(如:主要的粮食作物,主要经济食物) 隆中对是谁写的?是诸葛亮还是陈寿 go on the blink是一个词组吗?我从一本英文杂志上看到的.全文是这样的:"i remember when i first heard rap.i was standing in the kitchen at a party in Harlem.it was 1980.A friend of mine named Bill had just gone on the blink"gone 探索的反义词是什么? 研究的反义词是什么 如果在纸张上提取指纹,纸张上会不会留下圆形水印的痕迹?一直以来有一些不可思议的奇怪事情围绕着我.我一直怀疑有人要偷偷提取我的指纹.今天又得到了证实.今天中午我回了一趟家,下午 怎样去掉剥核桃时留在手上的印迹和污渍呀,我剥新核桃是手上留下了黑红色的污渍,怎么洗也洗不掉,急需请那位专家告诉我应该怎样在能洗掉呀, 怎样去除手上印蓝纸留下的污渍 HAWAII是什么意思? 很想和你在一起 为何洪卓立手上有那纸为何洪卓立手上有那纸.诗雅不是幻想自己和洪卓立在一起的吗.那什么趟在医院的洪卓立会得到诗雅的电话和地址.虽然诗雅在码头把写着电话和地址的 2.我对去夏威夷感兴趣 i_____ _____ _____ ______to hawaii 围绕北京精神写出童谣. 信访答复是以书面形式还是以口头形式? Who is the ruler of our courntry? (the red ruler)( is) the (shortest)( of )the two改正其中一个括号怎样在比较级前可以加the? 被液态金属烫一下会怎么样?如题我突然想,被开水烫,水会蒸发,过一会就没了要是被熔融金属烫了,是不是就一直烫着,直到温度平衡为止?那被粘在皮肤上应该如何脱险? 金属膏做热烫怎么做好 这个地区的交通中断了the transportation in this area broke down.这个地区的交通中断了the transportation in this area broke down.1:in this area broke down 改成 broke down in this area可以吗?2:“中断了”在这句话中 请问the staff workers是什么意思, Staff And Creidts是什么意思?一首音乐的名字 在写句子时什么时候要加介词