
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 14:09:37
After meal,we have d_____ like ice cream. 单句改错We have bananas ice cream _____改为______Her brother usually has two bowl of rice for dinne_____改为______---What kind of dessert would you like?---Large._____改为______ Be able to meet you ,I was so lucky . 棉花开的什么花 be able to meet you ,i was so lucky 是什么歌的歌词? e度作文网怎么样 e度作文网已发表的帖子怎么删除 the students took restA .a few minute‘s B .a few minutes’ They took a rest after -----(land). 什么树花是粉红色的没叶子 金鹰去年体重三十千克今年增加到36千克今年的体重是去年的百分之几比去年增加了多少百分之几 小荷兰作文网投稿时写到一半想下一次再写怎么办 描写激动心情的成语 耳朵大有福是真的吗? 耳朵大有福这个范伟演的电影里面有一个镜头范伟骑大28车和一个骑道驴骑的彪车那骑道驴骑的车上还有音箱是怎么弄的啊骑快就有音乐骑慢就没有啊怎么感觉象发电是的呢 耳朵大有福电影 耳朵大有福高清耳朵大有福电影 英文简写F.Y.I是什么意思啊,经常出现在email里 do you want to do some this afternoon?A:washing B:wash C:washes D:washings It's seven o'clock at night but father still works.这句话改错 是把still work 改成 is still working为什么责怪改呢?为什么是哪个? 世界上共有多少国家(精确数)?有多少城市(精确数)?急`````` 世界上有几个国家,几个地区?(精确数字) "Well done!" the teacher patted the shoulder of the student,_____ with a smile on his face. 补全单词 1.ng?2.wr?3.st 补全对话 A:What are you _ _ _this afternoon?B:lm hoing to _ some flowers _ the garden.A:_ do you do that?B:first,dig the _. _put the the seeds _ the soil.A:_ should you do then?B:Wat 世界上有多少个国家啊 确切的数字给我吧 有多少个呢 温带海洋性气候代表性动植物有哪些?每样至少列举两种! 谢谢! 迄今世界上有多少国家(准确数字) 补全对话,前两个句子是.a:what are you going do this weekend,补全对话,前两个句子是.a:what are you going do this weekend,jimmy? b:i've no idea.what about you?请尽量正确,八年级水平的题. 有没有必要学奥数 既然Aren't you lucky!是你们真幸运的意思 那Aren't you tall 是不是“你们真高啊”的意思 1、那翠绿的颜色明亮地照耀着我们的眼睛,似乎每一片绿叶上都有一个新的生命在颤动.(仿写句子,用上似乎)2、小明从小刚那里拿了测验卷来做.卷中的1~5题中,小刚曾以铅笔做成圆圈记号, 那翠绿的颜色,明亮地照耀着我们的眼睛,似乎每一片绿叶都有一个新的生命在颤动,是比喻句还是拟人句? David has to stay at home,( (反意疑问句)