
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:05:08
都说求人不如求己,这句话说明了什么问题? 两句话请帮忙翻译下,谢谢我们暂时不打算申请检验,当将来有收到来自ITC的订单时候,我们会递交这个申请并联系你的. Nothing serious,is it?怎样回答?Nobody came here,didn't they?怎样回答? 请帮忙翻译两句话..가입하신후 레벨업을 하셔야 DATA1을 볼수 있습니다. 가입하실때 자기 英语翻译企业社会责任思想和实践不断发展,作为企业最重要利益相关者之一的员工的权益保护也得到日益关注.当前中国民营企业的劳工关系由于各种原因还存在诸多问题,而构建民企和谐劳 英语的单选,谢谢,要正确的单项选择There quarters of the students in our class __ girls last term. A.are b.is c.was d.wereThe population of China is __ than that of any other country in the world. A.more b.fewer c.larger d.smallerMy 单选英语准确啊—How is your brother today?—_______.A.He is a studentB.He is thirteenC.He is very tallD.He is much better 英语单选,准确啊( )1.—Do you know_______? —Sorry,I don't know.A.him B.he C.his D.she( )2.Does your brother_______a big head?A.has B.is C.have D.are( )3.—Which man is your teacher? —The one______a round face.A.has B.h 英语单选(准确)()1.My pen was lost.I will_____by a new one.A.must B.have to C.can()2.She often____books in the evening.A.reading B.to rea 英语单选啊,)单项选择-Do you mind if I sit here?-__.It's for my friend.a.Not at all b.Never mind c.Sorry,you'd better not d.Of course not__ loudly in a library or a movie theater is impolite.a.Talk b.Talks c.Talking d.TalkedHe thinks Song Z 英语题There is a picture of pigs on the stamp.It is a stamp with a picture of pigs.这两个句子哪个对为什么 英语翻译The Seoul municipal government said Monday it will cut down subway operations in the summer months as part of efforts to save energy amid concerns over a power shortage following the recent shutdown of nuclear reactors.An electricity shor “非常感谢你在雨中打伞送我到公司”用英语怎么说? 英语翻译which is NOT mentioned as the possible limits some countries put on foreign visitors?They have to report to government officials when they come to a new place. 请帮忙翻译一下这两句话Subprime Crisis: Could New Rules Avert Another Credit Crisis? Perhaps, but Be WaryCould new rules prevent a recurrence of the credit meltdown? 英语翻译The recruit was stung by the sergeant's scathing rebuke; nobody had ever reprimanded him like that before.The report was relentlessly hostile to the scientist,interpreting one complex event after another to his discredit就两句拜托大 八下英语1道单选I was____when you called me up.A.at barber‘sB.at the barberC.in the barberD.at the barber’s我觉得这些答案都不对 应该是 in the barber's不过,到底是选哪个答案呢? 谁来给我解释一下小s这个女人上康熙来了的是不是都是一些不入流的女星啊整天在哪里家长里短一个个都跟鸡似的感觉一点品位都没有 CKY讲话还算过的去毕竟学识摆在那里可小s感觉根本就 求深圳英语牛津版八下Chapter1~3单选专项练习 《不问永远到底有多远,只求有多远我们就走多远》是什么意思? 永远到底有多远?幸福是什么?2个人在一起为的是什么?幸福?快乐?对方所许下的承诺.,也算是幸福吗 英语翻译内容如下:“请不要用金山词霸帮人翻译英语,我他妈见了恶心!” 这张EXO图的出处,悬赏可以提高.我是行星男饭,今年才饭上他们,想问一下这张图的出处. 童心向党 看我行动的书信格式怎么写啊 童心向党看我行动 致某某一封信 童心向党 看我行动的书信 求求 求一篇 童心向党.看我行动的书信 求求求 1.he--her--hers 2.she--( )--( ) 3.you--your--yours whose present is it?it’s【】A.her B.she C.her’s D.hers take/cost/pay/spend It ___us two days to finish the work.I_____20 yuan on the book.I_____20 yuan for the book.He __-water for the old woman. i usually get up at 6:30如何一般问句并回答 when do you usually get up at a_____6o'clock