
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:02:57
李时珍是哪里人 这是老外的名字 Islam,Islamism,Mohammedanism,Moslemism分别什么意思 梨汁氧化了能喝吗 李时珍是什么人? some hard plastics can be ---------metals in manufacturing machine part.A.substituted for B.take the place ofC Replaced in D given way to请问每个选项的具体意思是什么,答案为什么选A Let's not waste paper.怎么改反意疑问句啊?Let's waste paper. 英语翻译Everybody knows waste paper and used coke cans are discarded everywhere. recycle waste paper Tom loos fine. He is ----- good health.A.in B.for C.at D.on 小学生廉政作文的开头怎样写,8月20日前请告诉我,我主要写古代的事例,请问怎么写开头 左顾右什么. 盼子成龙是什么意思 -How did you know it —Well the news ____ all over the town.A.was spread B.spread C.was spreading D.had been spread (spread不需要用被动吗) 记叙文,描写童年趣事600-70字. 急需写事作文! 修改文章,请各位帮我指出文章中的错误,跪谢商家的秘决 一个月前,我光临了离公司不远的一家超市,一走进超市,就发现在超市的前台围着一大群的人,很是热闹.向来爱热闹的人忍不住把头往 梨汁酸了能喝吗 论文录用后发现错误是否能够修改?投了篇英文论文录用了,发现里面有些错误(之前的图贴成别的地方的了,不影响结果,审稿人也没发现),在最终稿中是否可以将这些错误改正过来? 怎样榨出的梨汁好喝如题,需要加糖吗? To be always 啥意思?英译汉 when money is concerned i always try to be very careful.请问这句话的意思, 急啊,物理题,请尽快回答!要详细地回答!天文观察到某行星有一颗卫星以半径R,周期T环绕该行星做圆周运动,已知卫星质量为m,求:⑴该行星的质量M是多少? ⑵卫星的向心加速度有多大? ⑶卫星对 People always want to try to grow up,try to Und?Wie schauts aus bei euch?德语翻译 he hurry to the wall and said这里hurry表示什么意思 后面不应该有个动词吗 mother said to her daughter Hurry up改为间接引语1 mother said to her daughter “Hurry up”2 "Come at five o'clock"she said to him3 "Don't swim too far "I said4 He said "Let‘s leave the luggage at the station" 关于母爱的诗歌,要冰心的 冰心关于母爱的诗歌的名人名篇 改短文,以下短文每一行都有错的,请指出并说出错误的原因1.School and college students in the United States often spent many 2.hours as volunteer in hospitals,orphannages or homes for the aged.3.They read books to the people in th 高数第六题 高数 第六题