
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 23:02:05
英语翻译 翻译:In advance of an official announcement i am all set for an early morning 求翻译,谢谢 "please set an ample to me,then," 的翻译? 课文描写林黛玉和贾宝玉第一次相见的情形,表现了什么? We have been here since 2011对划线部分提问.划线部分是since 2011 1-12月的英语简写,有规律吗如题. almost never 与never换成汉语 相当与哪2个次的关系.这两个词应该很相近了.almost never还是不能认同为never么? almost never warranted 啥子意思 _________(扔,丢)litter is almost never ______(准许) 求一篇题目为“话说贾宝玉”的作文,300字以上,不用写的非常好,中上的水平就行!如果答得让我满意,我还会多给分数的,请知道的快来 He plays f...new york knicks in the USA中间填什么 这个还可以简写成什么呀?运用的什么公式? hardly和almost的区别. hardly与 almost的区别,要有例句 请问这两个字的拼音怎么写,怎么读?潆霖 英语翻译oh heyhey hows u doing there?was wandering here n der,n got visited ur profile,so have dropped single message.niwy,u r a cutie...have a nice day 为什么明明是英文却觉的那么怪啊… we have an umbrella a.(改为否定句 英语翻译set up this Club as if I am a student doing a huge project… Did tons of research,visited many countries,took part in many health and fitness exhibitions,seminars and tried my best to find out as much information as I could about the fit We have an umbrella.否定 have you an umbrella? 如何回答 关于现在完成时的疑问.什么时候应该用现在完成时,我经常把它和一般过去时混淆了.为什么现在完成时不能用yesterday、last week等的时间状语? 现在完成时的几个问题现在完成时的语法是规定在句末加上时间短语时:for+时间段,since+时间点那时间段和时间点的区别是什么呢?最好是文字说明再加例句说明 现在完成时的问题He has lived in Guangzhou ten years ago.这句话通不通?应该怎样改写成现在完成时他十年前住在广州怎么表达 关于现在完成时的问题~书上说,对话开始时,问方用现在完成时开头,答方也须用现在完成时来回答以取得时态上的一致.在谈到具体时间或地点时便由现在完成时转为一般过去时.可是像这个句 现在完成时问题I haven’t met Wang Ying since last yearlast year 不是过去时间状语吗?现在完成时不是不能和表示过去时间状语连用吗? 雨点落在河里改为比喻句 We have an umbrella.否定:( ) A.We don't haveWe have an umbrella.否定:( )A.We don't have an umbrella.B.We don't have umbrella.C.We haven't an umbrella.D.We have no umbrella. 雨点从乌云密布的天空中滴下来.(改为比喻句) we have an umbrella.改为否定句 Her family members usually get t____ on Christmas Day.Her sister lives in another city far away,soshe Molly lives in New York 回答恩恩 这个是改成一般疑问句= =