
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 14:32:05
一题二题回答后评价 10月10日是在中国的历史上都发生过什么事? 10月6日历史上发生了哪些事? 报sat1时报错时间了,10月的sat1考位又已放完,急求sat1的十月考位,请放出新考位时大家提醒一下, 我想在2012年考美国本科,请问什么时候考SAT1,2,托福合适? 数学中负次方怎么理解?..x+x的负一次方=3求x的二分之三次方+x的负二分之三次方不是负次方,是小数即分数次方怎么理解,具体题目不变 数学1的负7次方.数学1的负7次方是多少. SAT1 The cost for coal from a certain company is $15 for the first pound plus $6 for each additional pound of coal.Which of the following functions gives the total pound of coal C(P),in dollars,for p pounds of coal?答案是C(p)=6p.但我做的确是 SAT1数学题Dan needs to gain 8% of his current body weight to wrestle in weight Class A.Dan needs to lose the same percent of his current weight to wrestle in weight Class B.What percent of Dan's Class A weight,to nearest tenth,does he need to lose SAT1的数学题 为了倡导节能环保理念,2012年7月1日全省居民用电分为三档,第一档为每月每户用电量在230度(即千瓦时)以下,价格维持现标准;第二档为231到400度,在第一档基础上每度增加0.05元;第三档为40 牛津小学英语6a书后单词没有书.要3会和4会的. 在数学活动中,小明为了求1/2+1/2²+1/2³+…………1/2的N次方的值为? 如图,三角形ABD中,∠D是90度,C是BD上一点,已知CB=9,AB=17,AC=10,求AD的长.别人的答案都看不太懂(没学根号) 牛津小学英语6a单词表所有的,还有中文苏教版的 如图,角D=90°,C是BD上的一点,已知CB=9,AB=17,AC=10,求AD的长. 牛津小学英语6a单词第七单元 如图,在三角形ABD中,角D=90度,C是BD上的一点,BC=9,AB=17,AC=10,求AD的长.由于各种原因只能这样画图了. 把123456789~9个数填在81宫格中,怎么填写啊!顺序如下.46***1*****2*96****3***71*9*****3***24 81宫格 1-9填数 每行每列都要有123456789 9格数字 ,且 81宫格四个角的九宫格也要满足有123456789这些数字**6*1*7*3**9**7**6**1****2***3*9**6*****6*****8**3*4***7****3**4**2**6**1*5*7*9** 在历史上的9月27日发生过什么大事? SAT 09年5月北美卷的几道语法题(The student group that wanted to present a petition to the mayor waited patiently) for an hour to be admitted to the meeting.A)C)The student group ,waiting to present a petition to the mayor and patiently wait 2010年截至到九月 中国发生了那些大事 A:Can I help you?B:Yes,please.1._________.A:What about these socks?B:Let me 2._______.Oh,on.3.________.A:What about these ones?They are long.B:Good!4________?A:5 yuan.B:I'll take them.5_______.A:Yoy're wel come.最后一个改一下A:You're welcome. I can help children _____ .A with singB with singingC for singD to singing Can i help you?啥意思 sat语法题一道Alice Guy Blache,an early filmmaker,introduced close-ups and double (exposures,and she set )cars on fire,used rats in special effects sequence ,and ran film backward.a,原句b,exposures ,and also she setsc,exposures,she setd,exp 一道SAT的语法题These days, business and social life are conducted at a pace that prompts people to send e-mails or make phone calls to colleagues and friends【 rather than】 letters.rather than 是要换掉的成分,这里有两个混淆选 还有10天 我要怎样复习英语四级? 英语4级我要怎么复习啊?我已经很久没看过英语了,而且英语本来就差,特别是听力.好像有什么作文模块,不知道可不可以给我说下怎么弄.有没有什么好的应试方法? 2010年1月SAT语法1.The number of travelers which reached the Americas,by accident or design,well before Columbus is enormous,if we are to believe every claim.答案是“which reached”错了,number跟which不行么?应该怎么改?后面to belie 2010年的一道SAT语法题8 . The rescuers reached the skiers,found them apparently unharmed,but the y nevertheless were taken to the hospital for observation.(A) skiers,found them apparently unharmed,but they nevertheless were taken(B) skiers,fi