
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:47:38
要短的,还要有趣的好的再加50! 作文《语言趣谈》 听说华尔街英语的口语教学很牛? 为什么appreciate和hate等单词后面一定要加it才能加从句?,求详解 I'd appreciate it 为什么用it,用that行不行在 i'd appreciate it if you can help.为什么用it,为什么不用that? 请朋友帮忙译一下面的英文,是做科室的门牌用的:董事长、总经理、副总经理、党务办、办公室请朋友帮忙译一下面的英文,急用的!是做科室的门牌用的:董事长、总经理、副总经理、党务 we have lunch at s()括号里填什么 which has a reputation for company loyalty and the professional development of its staff.每个字我都认识,但是组合起来不知道怎么翻译才恰当, 动物词语趣谈“龟缩、狐疑、鹅步、蚕食、鱼贯”这几个词的意思,然后再用现实生活中看到的来解释一下这几个词! appreciate的用法 appreciate的用法(选择题)I would appreciate ____ it a secret.A) your keeping B) you to keep\x0b C) that you keep D) that you will keep答案给的是B为什么不选C?appreciate后面不是也可以跟从句吗? 关于appreciate的用法,I would appreciate ______ it a secret.A you to keepB your keepingC that you keepD that you will 我知道appreciate之后跟名词 所以选B是可以的 但是选C是否正确呢? appreciate it if的用法appreciate it if 后接的是条件状语从句吗?并且从句要用虚拟语气吗? He _______(study)hard every day 以 家 为话体的作文700字左右 Study hard,Every day up I work and study hard every day中every day 是什么语? Every day up study hard 这句话对麽 英语的否定转移问题我相信他不会来,I don't believe he'll come如果要表达"我不相信他不会来"怎么转移? 什么时候英语否定转移看到书上的 有的否定转移 I don't think you are tall I think you aren't tall 这两种一个是否定转移一个没有到底该不该否定转移?什么时候否定转移? “我想我们之间要做个约定了”英文怎样说 kunshan is no longer the city( )it was ten years agoA that B when C where D what 怎样解几何证明题 the farm that we see today is no longer the one __it was ten years ago.填that 还是which空格是什么从句 The farm () we see today is no longer () it was ten years ago she buys a single new dress each year.single不是已经单一了么 怎么还要加a啊?为什么还要加到a与new的中间?她每年只买一件新衣服 翻译的对么这里的single做什么成分? 他很少运动,他肥了.翻译(why)用表语从句 I still remember you told me "I can't complan anything ,my life i prety good"in your first email.You words really changed my attitude and my model of thingking.Now,my life is pretty good as well...不知道这样表述地不地道? My name is *** and my English name is Lydia.I’m 20 and I come from Zhengzhou.I’ m a beautiful girl.There are five people in my family,my parents,my bother,my sister and I.My families are always doing what is best for me.They are always on my side 英语翻译注意这是我在电影《闻香识女人》中看到的台词,必须结合语境,几位大虾回答的感觉不是很符合语境- - 求高手检查有没有语法错误 ·This paper is concentrate on analyze the online consumer activity by using the perspective of undergraduate students.Internet is increasingly spread in economy circle as people use it more frequently.internet is 可否帮助检查一下这篇作文中的语法错误?First of all,I will put a riddle to you:What do you think thething which has most dreams on it?Yea,it is bed.Today,I will talk about my bed,one of thefurnitures at my home and I use it every day.