
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 01:11:05
如图,AB平行CD,AB平行EF,∠AFC=∠A+∠C,EF平行于CD吗?说说你理由. 1:Mary as well as ten other voluntary doctors_____to the disaster area last week.A was sent B had sent C were sent D had been sent2:More than one person ____late for class yesterday morning because of the heavy snow.A are B is C was D were具体说 谁能给个初中到大学的 几何单位 要全面的能解释每个单的定义!我小学水平想自己学学 初中大学的东西 什么都不懂希望有朋友能回答我提到的这些问题 感激不尽! 1.Which do you like ____,apples or oranges?A.well B.good C.better D.best 2.Lingling ________ some photos to school tomorrow.A.will bring B.will brings C.bringing D.brings 3.China is_____ country in the world.A.the third largest B.the largest third C. 我为过去30年我们国家所发生的巨大变化感到自豪 “英文翻译” 已知a、b为整数,且a大于b,方程3x^2+3(a+b)x+4ab=0的两个根α、β满足关系式α(α+1)+β(β+1)=(α+1)(β+1),试求所有的整数点对(a、b). 谁有人教版新目标初中英语课本mp3最好是文本都有,不全也行,上传到这上面来行不? 如图6所示的电路中,有三个相同的定值电阻R1、R2、R3,还有电流表和电压表各一个.当在A、B两端加上恒定电压时,电流表的示数是1.5A,电压表的示数是30V.则由此可知各个电阻的实际电功率分别为 求做一英语PPT.题材不限 已知不等式x+a≥2(x+2)的解集在数轴上如图所示,求关于x的不等式ax+5>3a的解集x≤-3 图没有啦就照这个 已知a0的解集是 为什么同学们都写不来我认为很简单的题呢? 前面的都是铺垫,具体看提问)!二氧化硫是大气污染物之一.我国的环境空气质量标准中对空气中二氧化硫的最高浓度(单位体积的空气中所含二氧化硫的质量)限值如表所示:为测定某地空 英语作文我的父亲 一道初二下学期的物理题某大桥所能承受的压力为2.0*10^5N,一辆自重为5t的在重汽车运送5000块规格为5cm*10cm*20cm的红砖前往全运会建筑工地(砖的密度为2.5*10^3kg/m^3),此辆汽车能否通过此座桥 一道物理题,初二难度的电学题,会不会麻烦看看某灯泡名牌已模糊不清,只能辨认出额定电压为6V.XX同学把灯泡接入电路,用电压表和电流表测量数据.又将该灯泡与一个未知电阻串连在一起,用 英语,用适当的连词填空My sister is waiting for me , () l must be off now.Men () women , old () young , all joined in the sports.You can go either by boat () by car.Are we going to have the 用适当的连词填空(英语)Can you tell me( )you go there or not?( )( )you ( )( )your father draws well. 英语,用正确的连词填空1.I did not know____or not he would quit the job and leave the city.2.I'll do___I can to help you.3.I am very happy___you come to see me. The room with a sea ______ is more expensive but it is worth the priceA:view B:sceneryC:sight D:scene讲一讲这四个词有什么本质的区别It is the third time the poor girl______ sorry; please say something,OK?A:had said B:saysC:saying D:has 1.The car passed through the streets ( )we thought was a very dengerous speed.A which B at which C at what D what为什么呀 我对定语从句这一块学的很不好 麻烦讲得稍微细一点 2.Is this hospital ( )you once worked for 10 years?A 帮我分析2道英语选择题(高一)1.After graduation from college,he began to go from city to city,___a suitable job.A)hunting for B)taking on C)looking after D)bringing up(答案是A)2.Sunglasses is used to ___ the eyes from strong light,es Is this the first time you ____Beijing?A.have visited B.would visit C.visited D.have been visiting No one can be sure if the car on display fits him or her until he or she ___themA.tries B.will try C.tried D.have tried 敢问选什么 “奶奶对我们说”用英语怎么说 英语翻译6.你讲的话听起来很有道理.7.天安门广场占地面积440000平方米.8.我们应该采取措施阻止人们捕杀动物.9.只有通过坚持不懈的努力,我们才能成为良好教育的人.10.在面试时,你一定要相 高一的两道英汉互译1.每当说到春节,孩子们就会兴奋起来.___________ _________ __________ to the Spring Festival,the children will get excited.2.他们最终达成了这个对双方都有好处的协议.At last ,they made an ______ 两条高一英语翻译题 英语翻译 第3题 解答 物理初三 meter的复数是什么? 对划线部分提问!The sailfish can swim 109km per hour.(109km per hour是划线部分) It's very cold in winter in Nanjing.划线部分:very cold有两种问法,请都列举出来.