
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 12:19:15
英语翻译U.S.Brokered Bhutto's Return to Pakistan Yesterday (I Lost My Best Friend) 歌词 华盛顿邮报共分几个版块?最好有英文注解急 Always_____ready to help others and you will get a lot of help in return.A: being B: to be C: been D : be为什么要用to be 呢,而不是用be We have a lot of things________animals.A.do to help B.to do to help C.to do help D,do to help to Why do you choose this university and what do you think of your major? 作文.If you have the second choice for your ideal college,which college do you want to choose?Why?写一篇作文200左右字数 people here are in need of help.为什么不直接need we -----help those who are in need 横线处填什么情态动词 英语翻译是不是谢谢你带给我好处? 请讲讲这个法语句子中的介词和定冠词的用法,Je vais au bureau de mon directeur de mémoire. ①they do not want to help me,so i have to do the work a() ②thank YOU for your card Thank you for the compliment about being the best man you have ever met. people who need help 结构是什么? cares for people who are in need of help怎么翻译?who are in need of help为什么前面加cares for people(照顾人) 变了 照顾那些需要帮助的人``为什么这样的,who are in need of help meaningful,help,people,in,to,it,is,who,are,need如何连成一个句子? 英语阅读理解读懂了,但答题时总有两个答案纠结读了三四遍了.感觉自己总是能理解讲话,但遇上给短文选标题和main idea的时候就纠结,考试下来时好时坏,不稳定.我是理解能力不好吗 我专门去 请问《别笑,我是英文单词书》,这本书的定价是多少啊.麻烦大家告诉下, 《别笑!我是英文单词书》针对的是什么水平的读者?是入门级还是针对有一定英文基础的读者?学完大概能达到什么水平? 当当的《别笑,我是英文单词书》质量怎么样哈.RT,有没有买过的.我想3本一起买.我是问当当网这本书的质量怎么样呐。 Do you have a map?I have lost in your 要正确哦 Do you have a map?Because I just keep losing in your eyes.求翻译. Do you have a map?Because I just keep losting in your eyes.希望给出翻译 Do you have a map?Because I just keep losing in your eyes.你有地图么?因为我刚在你的眼神中迷失了. Do you have a map?I've been losing in your Do you have a map?I've been losing in your eyes 我的真爱用英语怎么拼?我 急用.英语不好的 不要吓说. since the end of last years用什么时态 谁能告诉我提高英语阅读理解的正确率,我的英语算好的,但就是在这方面脱腿了.谁有什么好点子? 好头痛的法语定冠词,部分冠词和不定冠词!-j'ai faim.-Mange (un)morceau de pain avec du beurre.为什么括号里面不用du而要用un呢?又如:Vous prendrez (un)gateau?--non,merci.为什么不用DU?还有,tu bois (du) the ou (du) caf 问法语冠词、定冠词部分冠词的问题~~~Ecoute___vent qui chante dans les feuillages!为啥填le,不填部分冠词du呢?什么规定?oui,il y a (du)vent ce matin.为啥要du?最后:C'est (un)vent chaud du sud.凤不可数,为啥要不 Where do you like to______dinner(have eat)要说明为什么? 吧it's one year since i last saw you改为现在完成时