
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 19:07:13
一道英语改句 保持原意She went away through the back door so that she could not meet him.She went away through the back door ______ ______ ______ to meet him. 英语改句(保持原句意思)1.He ran the fastest at yesterday's sports meeting.He ran faster than ____ the ___ runners at yesterday's sports meeting.2.These VCDs cost him 100 dollars.He ____ these VCDs ___ 100 dollars.3.I will send three e-ma I played basketball and went to a movie yesterday能说吗英语中不是说一个句子中不能出现两个谓动吗 怎么求这个图形阴影部分的面积,答对有好评喔,把计算过程写出来 求阴影部分面积,有过程,给好评 求阴影部分的面积, 求阴影部分的面积, 1.It was so heavy that they couldn't take it away2.The army went into the city yesterday3.He didn't fail to gei the job4.We began to learn science 10 years ago5.Mr Smith has been away from Shenzhen for five days6.Don't forget to write a letter to me7 求下图阴影部分的面积. 用英语解释句子(8年级的)1)tony doesn't make fun of the girl ang more2)tony felt tired,but he went on working 3)pansy has made mountains of sandwiches4)joyce would like to improve her spoken Chinese是英语翻译啊~不是中文翻译 How do you make a fruit salad?salad不是不可数名词吗?类似的还有How do you make a banana milk shake?a有时加有时不加.什么情况下加?那么什么时候要a?可加可不加吗? 会议纪要怎么写我写的是会议所有人的发言,但老板说不对,我就不知道该怎么写了 如何写会议记录主要是会议内容那 是吧发言人的话一个字不落记下来 还是提炼每个人的说话主旨 Yesterday ,I went out_____dinner.There _____not many people in the fast food was not______.I had a hamburger,they were_____.they were cheap 如何教授小学英语语法? 三个贝叠起来是什么字?是个老写字体 、呵呵 没事猜猜吧… 两个字都不认识,一个是三个贝字叠在一起,另一个是上面一个尸体的尸字,下面三个贝字叠在一起 贝卖合在一起是什么字 “思韵”用广东话直译英语是?起英文名用的啊 上面两个火字中间一个宝盖下面两个林字念什么 上边两个火中间一个宝盖下边一个火字怎么拼呀 两个火一个宝盖头一个牛读什么字 don't you need,中文如何翻译? Don't Need to worry 人类为什么吃狗肉?狗是人类忠实的朋友啦 初三英语改写句子1.You should water the trees often after you plant them.The trees ___ ___ ___often afer they ___ ___.2.My parents allow me to go to the movies on weekends.(被动语态)___ ___ ___to go to the movies on weekends ___my pare 初三英语改写句子,1.My father rarely smokes now.2.The master was very satified with Tony.3.We must try our best to improve our environment.4.The traffic accident was linked to the careless driver. 一道初三英语 保持原句意思...急 .They tried to be friendly enough to the rude lady.They tried to be _______ _______ ________ ________to the rude lady. 几道初三英语题(改写句子)同义句What Kate did worried her monther What Kate did _________ her monther _________.With these words,the tiger jumped into the water and didn't ________ ________ _______I can't leave her alone.I can't leave 初三英语句子改写同义转换①Paul asked Rose ,"Did you call me yesterday afternoon?"Paul asked Rose _______ __________ ___________ ________ him yesterday afternoon②George asked“Where were you last week,Lucy?"George asked Lucy________ 上边四个火下面一个木字念什么 上面双木下面一个火念什么字?