
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:59:11
kind of tickets shall I get for the concert?A,Get no expensive!B,Don't get expensive ones!C,Don't get any one expensive!D,Don't get an expensive one!为什么选择答案B呢?请详解析, He asked me some s______ questions.翻译.. 英语say怎么读 Nice cock pic chat me up Don't make your parents___and be a good child.A.worrying B.worried C.worriedlyD.to worry原因? 这种效果在Coredraw里是怎么做出来的,具体一点, How _____geese are there A.much.B.many.C.abHow _____geese are there A.much.B.many.C.about PVC overlay with glue和 PVC core foil PSA在热工(工科中)中是什么意思?如graphite foil with 1 side PSA tin-foil-hat和down-with-Darwin是什么意思?There were also plenty of unconventional candidates,from Dennis Kucinich on the tin-foil-hat left to Mike Huckabee on the down-with-Darwin right. 250,000,是不是外国的写法啊?这个逗号? 英文人名的写法是怎样的?打个逗号就把次序换了…… 电子表格怎样转换成带逗号的文体格式 给国外的朋友直接发短信能收到吗 A:there _____many foreign(外国的)or.B:_____the computer on the desk now?填空、、B:_____the computer on the desk now?中的______只填一词 最好的哥们要出国了不知道发短信写些什么表达一下 请问一下有关于POND'S clarant B3 (粉红色的瓶)产品的有关信息?朋友从外国带回来的,上面全是英文 why are you so unconfident with your paper? technical paper for each product with all the specifications? 急:翻译“我有一张你的照片”谢谢 .______(就像写文章一样),one should speak clearly.(with) but 逗号可加可不加? I assure you there is quite as much of that going on in the country as in town这句话出自哪里.怎么翻译最好 What has made English as whole world languagewhat has made english这是句什么句式? 急求一篇英文作文 should the world rethink the development of nuclear power,忘了说字数要150字左右 对了,老师,我用逗号表并列和用||表示且,怎么逗号不管用啊? ,.,......,.,.,..,有多少个逗号? AD9851能用其他频率的晶振吗,我只有16M的,没30M的. ad9851怎么样产生方波 求新视野大学英语视听说教程光盘的student ID 和Password 新视野大学英语视听教程2的后面的光碟怎么弄啊 要什么student ID password什么的 不懂啊 新视野英语 视听说教程 碟怎么用啊?怎么进去还要输入school ID student ID 密码 等.