
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:58:35
Do you know where A:are my socksB:my socks are选择 我想考剑桥商务英语中级,没考初级,可以直接考中级吗?如果要考的话,要怎么开始准备呢? 剑桥商务英语初级是不是没人要考啊?我不知道我是不是该报中级啊?感觉好像初级没什么用啊?我过了四级. About ten to ten.的中文是什么?Whai is the matter with John?的中文是什么 The rain having stopped,he went out for a walk.为什么要用having? It's about ten at night.Time to__.一个空 开卷有益辩论会,我要正反方的对话!正方:------------------------反方:---------------------------------------------正方:------------------------反方:---------------------------------------------正方:-------------------- “开卷有益”正反方辩论会.急 考BEC初级难度大么?BEC初级证能进外企吗? ten to three,在足球比赛中, 我要参加开卷有益的辩论会,我是反方,该怎么办?急! ten to three we three in ten是什么意思? three added to seven makes ten为什么要用added,为什么加ed如果是被动的话,为什么不加be动词呢 Mrs.Shute wouldn`t leave the TV set,_____ her children were waitingfor their supper.A if B because C even though D as soon as(并写出原因及even though的意思) the prices of the shoes in that shop are very ____.so many people qwant to buy itA.low B.high 一块圆饼,切上4刀,要求切去11块,该怎么切? 4刀切一个圆,最多切10份吗?4刀(直着)切平面圆,最多是10份吗(切完十字后斜着切2下)? 把第一个如图所示的圆饼,切上4刀,要求切出11块,该怎么切? 一个圆4刀切10块怎么切 recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its value less costs to sell and its value in use帮忙翻译下这句话的意思了, less possible amount of the value 什么是GVA:Gross value added is going to be 和 will be 在中国的天气预报中 用哪个? Must quote when making payment 怎么译? Are you prepared to make a ten-percent down payment?-We're talking about buying a two-bedroom house in Mount Kisco.Here are the financial details on the house.-Thank you.-Are you prepared to make a ten-percent down payment? I gave her a piece of advice .She didn't accept the advice 合并 帮忙Insurance payment made in advance 我的星期三英语怎么写 星期三的英文怎么写? Always read the _____on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.拜托各位了 3QA. explanations B. instructions C. descriptions D. introductions 每个星期三用英语怎么写?