
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 21:37:00
Read the following paragraph and write a composition as stated in about 300 words.这句话是说300词以内还是300词以上? Read the following letter and write a reply to help the troubled boyDear Dr Helper,Hi!I have made many friends in my school.We are getting along very well.But one day,one of my friengds lost 100 yuan.He thought I had taken his money and he told other Read the information about Deng Yaping.Then write an article about her.Name:DengYapingDate of birth:02/06/19731978:Started to play table tennis1983:Joined the Hennan table tennis team1988:Joined the National table tennis team1997:Went to 求解:select a book you have read and write a report of about 300-400 words.在这句话中,of 和about两个介词放在一起使用,不是很明白.感觉of 应该是多余了,是不是印刷问题?还是什么英语理论?求解! Y 南极、赤道、温带地区的气温范围是多少 在120°的二面角内,放入一半径为4的球,分别与两个半平面相切于A,B两点,则A,B间的球面距离为多少? 球面上有三个点,其中任意两点的球面距离都等于大圆周长的1/6,经过这3个点圆的半径为2 则该球的直径为 正三棱柱ABC-A1B1C1内接于半径为二的球,若A、B两点的球面距离是л,则三棱柱的体积为()A、B两点的球面距离是л,(最好附图),求详解 已知球的半径为1,A,B是球面上两点,线段AB的长度为根号3,则A,B两点的球面距离是多少 胰岛素1个单位等于多少mmol/L, 1只胰岛素,10毫升400万单位,0.1毫升是多少单位? 英语日期的读法2008年用英语怎么读,twenty zero eight,还是two thousand eight? Read and write the words.---How ( )is Helen?---He is 136 cm tall.---How( ) is this drum?---It is $5.75.---How ( ) leg are there in a bee?---Six. 在一批游客中,有四分之三的人懂法语,五分之四的人懂英语,两种语言都懂的人占二十分之十三,另有十人这两种语言都不懂.这批旅客有多少人? 动物下脚料做沼气可不可以 在一批旅客中,有4分之3的人懂法语,5分之4的人懂英语,两种语言都懂的占20分之13,另有10人这两种语言都不懂,这批旅客有多少人? June,put,July,pull的英标是什么?哪个发音不同? 在一批旅客中,有四分之三的人懂法语,五分之四的人懂英语,两种语言都懂的占二十分之十三另有8人这两种语言都不懂.这批旅客有多少人? 找出划线部分读音与其他三个发音不同的选项A.July B.June C.Thursday D.blue都是U下面的横线 m7. 5浆砌块石一立方用多少水泥和沙子 June,July,September的缩写? 1立方破碎石有多重 高速共路浆砌块石护坡.长:3000米宽0.4米高:9.8米.人工每人每天100元计算,每一立方人工多少钱? Read the example and write the words.example:My friends might be having (have) dinner now.1.It might ______(rain) today.2.She might be____(play) piano in her bedroom now.3.Lucy might_____(agree),if you ask her about it. Read the example and write.example:He is the champion in this tennis game.He has been the champion in this tennis game.1.I posted a letter to my father who is working in U.K.( )2.They read a book named“The long Stocking PiPi”.( )3.She buys a new 将一个底面半径是2厘米的圆柱体拼切成一个近似长方体,拼成后长方体的前面面积是25.12,求长方体表面积? 如图,有一路灯AB,在灯光下,小明在D处的影长DF=3米,沿BD方向行走到达F点,测得FG=4米,若小明身高1.6求AB的长度 写清楚点,文字叙述不要太多, 有一圆柱体合金,底面半径为10cm,高为64cm,若将其锻造成长方体工件,使长方体的长为20πcm,高为32cm,则长方体的宽是多少? 请给一些分数脱式计算带过程和答案 脱式计算,[[10-1/25]/99.6]/0.01 [ 3分之1X2+2分之1/2]x11分之12八分之三X十七分之二/八分之一X1.7 4分之3X7分之5X3分之4-1/2[[10-1/25]/99.6]/0.01 [ 3分之1X2+2分之1/2]x11分之12 八分之三X十七分之二/八分之一X1.7 回答请带序号,脱式计算要有过程 品德与生活《遇到危险怎么办》教学设计