
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:44:57
I will take the money;the ____yours A others are B other is C rest are D rest is 选D是怎么知道指代的是不可数名词 是不是看前面的Money idon't need a lot of money,______ it is enough for the book______填什么关联词? Her sister studies hard at school (反义疑问句) I must apologize for interrupting you.可以改为“I must apologize for having interrupted you.这里的"having interrupted"是什么时态,这个用法是怎么回事呢? I must apologize for not letting you know ahead of time.请翻译一下, 选什么:I must apologize for___ahead of time.(A)letting you not know(B)not letting you know(C)letting you know not(D)letting not you know I must apologize for________ ahead of time.” “It doesn'tmatter.”A.letting you not knowB.not letting you knowC.not letting you to knowD.letting you not know【精析与答案】 B.求详解 《世说新语》其中的十则,原文加解释,有的话,请在20号之前给, You look tired.You should go to bed e ____every day. every student amd every teacher_____.选c.has attended the meeting为什么呢 "Be fresh and eager every morning,and tired and satisfied every night." --Kent Beck翻译! im going to get good grades(改为一般疑问句.) 世说新语在为人处事说明了什么道理 The____(困难) is that there aren't any trains at that time. Is there any chance that I share the rest of time with you?的中文意思是什么?3Q I don"t know why she suggested that we ()the work before dark.A finish B would finish C finishing What do you think of "matchmaking"?Does it work? 像牛毛,像花针,像细丝,密密地斜织着.斜的作用 a little tired,a little gloomily谁能给偶翻译啊! A little look not to understand \\是什么意思? 1.Just now I ____(hear) him play the violin. 1.This sweater looks______and sells____.A.wel1.This sweater looks______and sells____.A.well,well B.good,nice C.nice,good D.nice,well what's about you? 铁罐子长时间在泥土里为什么会不见了? 为什么陶罐从土里出来还是那样光洁,美观,朴素,而铁罐从土里消失了 如果一个铁罐掉进土后,过了许多年会怎样呢? a time to make a friends given his lack of experience,his work is remarkably good.为什么开头要用given?考虑到他缺乏经验,他的工作已经做得非常好了 37.The people living ___to your house is your neighbor.A.nextB.nearC.besideD.after what about you 啥意思 求一个老动画的名字.就记着唐僧是开车的.猪八戒拿大炮 孙悟空踩着滑板,沙僧有个爆炸锤子.如题 Your presentation of the play suffers from too much attention to the details of the text.翻译下哈:-D